Launching SnRD Post

The steps to launch SnRD Post-processing module are mentioned in the following section.

  1. Launch HyperView 2022.1 from installed location.
  2. Select File > Load > Preferences.
  3. Select Squeak & Rattle and click Load. This creates SnRD menu in the HyperMesh window.

    Figure 1.
  4. Click Directors > SNRD

    Figure 2.
    This will open the SnRD Post Processing tab in HyperView as shown below.

    Figure 3.

    The functions and operations to be done in each tab are explained in the following sections. You have to start from Post Processing tab to load the files and evaluate the results.

  5. Once SnRD Post tab is active, click against Model File.
    A file browser option opens. Browse and select Tutorial_IP_SNR_Model.fem from the folder which was created during Process Parameters step.
  6. Since the Pre-output CSV file is located in the same folder, this will be picked automatically by SnRD.
  7. After selecting the required files, click the required tab to continue with the processing.