Remeshes the current model with FE type definitions maintained, used to improve the
mesh quality in OptiStruct free shape, shape or topography
string_array number_of_strings
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Remeshes 2D elements at intersection locations. Only elements belonging to different
components are taken as counterparts for the intersection calculation. Moreover, elements
sharing a node are not counterparts for the intersection calculation.
- string_array
- The ID of the string array that contains the additional input parameters. The string
array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should
always be set to 1.
- Each argument can be either comma or space separated. There are at most six string
parameters, depending on the user inputs required.
- Valid strings are:
- "fgrd: filepath_grid"
- This sting is optional, indicating the .grid file to be
applied to update the shape of the model.
- filepath_grid
- The full name and path to the OptiStruct
.grid results file generated from the optimization.
- "fsh: filepath_sh"
- This sting is optional, indicating the .sh file to be used
in remeshing.
- filepath_sh
- The full name and path to the OptiStruct
.sh results file generated from the optimization.
- "fdesvar: filepath_desvar"
- This sting is optional, indicating the .desvar file to be used in
- filepath_desvar
- The full name and path to the OptiStruct
.desvar file generated from the optimization.
- "fhist: filepath_hist"
- This sting is optional, indicating the .hist file to be
used in remeshing.
- filepath_hist
- The full name and path to the OptiStruct
.hist file generated from the optimization.
- "skipgs: id1 id2 ..."
- This string is only required when there are grids which will be unchanged during
remeshing. Note that grids in a SET named as '^skipgs' will be excluded, as
- id1 id2 ...
- ID list of grid sets which will keep unchanged during remeshing.
- "skiges: id1 id2 ..."
- This string is only required when there are elements which will be unchanged
during remeshing. Note that grids in a SET named as '^skipes' will be excluded, as
- id1 id2 ...
- ID list of element sets which will keep unchanged during remeshing.
- number_of_strings
- Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created
using *createstringarray.
To executes the function on the current model, taking the optimized grid coordinates from
the file C:/test/torquearm.grid, and performing remeshing with grids in
SET number 2 fixed:
*createstringarray 2 "fgrd: C:/test/ torquearm.grid" "skipgs: 2"
*remesh_optistruct 1 2
Incorrect usage results in a
Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error