Non-meshed coil: definition (structure)


A coil is defined by:

  • a number
  • an electric component associated with the coil
  • a number of turns
  • a type
  • a coordinate system
  • specific characteristics belonging to a type
  • an appearance (color and visibility attributes)


The number to identify the coil is automatically allocated by Flux during the coil creation.

Types of basic coils

The different types of basic coils and the characteristics useful for their description are presented in the table below.

Coil Coil center Dimension Section
circular 1st, 2nd, 3rd coordinates
  • coil radius
  • type of section
  • geometric definition
rectangular 1st, 2nd, 3rd coordinates
  • dimensions
  • along OX
  • along OY
  • fillet radius
  • type of section
  • geometric definition

Types of composed coil

The different types of composed coils and the characteristics useful for their description are presented in the table below.

Coil Dimension Section
  • path of the coil (open / closed)

  • points of the path of the coil
  • 1st , 2nd , 3rd coordinates
  • curvature radius
  • type of section
  • geometric definition
  • orientation of section*
Note: * for rectangular sections

Types of sections

The different types of sections provided for circular, rectangular and composed coils and the characteristics useful for their description are presented in the table below.

Type of section Geometric definition Orientation of section**
Line (current sheet)
  • height of the current sheet
  • thickness of the current sheet*
  • orientation vector
  • rotation angle
  • rectangle height
  • rectangle width
  • orientation vector
  • rotation angle

Disc (with volume / the mean fiber displaying)

  • radius of the section
Note: * the thickness value must be one order of magnitude lower than the height of the current sheet
Note: ** for composed coils

Types of particular coils

The different types of coils provided for rotating machine applications and the characteristics useful for their description are presented in the table below.

Coil Description
saddle coil center

opening angle:

  • of the straight part
  • of the cylindrical part
total angle of the saddle
  • length of the straight part
  • internal half height
  • radius of the cylinder
multi-saddle coil center

opening angle:

  • of the straight part
  • of the cylindrical part
number of pairs of poles
  • length of the straight part
  • internal half height
  • radius of the cylinder