Solve a transient multi-step scenario

Definition: reminder

A transient multi-step scenario is used to solve a transient application within a non-parametric analysis.

A transient multi-step scenario is a scenario that defines the control of the transient solving process, i.e. the values of “time steps”.


In this paragraph we are interested in the following situation. The user chooses to solve the Flux project (transient application) in its current state. The geometric parameters and the possible I/O parameters are set to their reference values.


To solve a transient multi-step scenario, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Create a transient multi step scenario
2 Activate the Solve command

Click on Solve solving scenario

and in the list choose the scenario defined in step 1

4 Click on OK
The scenario is solved step by step.
Attention: The solving process is stopped (by software) if:
  • a convergence problem
  • a modeling error

Complements for solving process

If the user chooses first to change some values of geometric parameters and/or I/O parameters (other than the TIME parameter), this must be done before activating the Solve command.

The modification can be done:

  • either directly (modification of the reference values)

If software stops

It is possible to resume the solving process if it stops (before the end), as presented in the table below.

If stop is caused by … Then …
modeling error* reconsider the description of the problem
Note: * Most of the modeling errors are detected by means of the commands Check geometry/Check mesh and Check physics. Meanwhile, these verifications are carried out on the initial description of the project. If certain values become incorrect through time, then the process stops. The user must correct the error source.