OptiStruct Interface 2022.2 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Extension of Section Property tools

Figure 1.
Support for single beamsection creation
Support for single beamsection creation of config Shell | Solid | Elastic sections from model data along with existing beam property update. VABS is limited to beam property update as it requires you to create a PBEAML for OptiStruct.
  • Single beamsection created from planar entities selected as source.
    • Covers all options available in the HyperBeam "Shell section" & "Solid section" panels.
    • New option to generate a sketch entity assigned to created beamsection.

    Figure 2.
  • Single beamsection created from section cut on mesh or geometry.
    • Covers all options available in the HyperBeam "Shell section" & "Solid section" panels.
    • New option to generate a sketch entity assigned to created beamsection.

    Figure 3.


  • Previous Section Property tool is extended to create single beamsections (without target beam) . The existing capability to update beam properties of several beams from an intersection with the model is contained inside the option Update beams.
  • Solid beamsection config is now supported.
  • New option to generate a sketch entity along with beamsection.
Keyword Enhancements
  • Rayleigh damping continuation line in MAT1,MAt2,MAT8,MAT9 and MAT9OR
  • New PARAM option FCACSV to output.cmode.csv file
  • NLMON enhanced to include MONITOR option
  • Default value update for A/R field in MATFAT EN option
  • DTABLE support in Entity Editor
  • Optimization control parameters are supported in Entity Editor
  • Discrete design variable DDVAL supported in Entity Editor
Panel Removal Enhancements
  • SPCP removed from force panel and accessible from Solver Browser
  • CURRENT and CDENST4 removed from analysis panel and accessible from Solver Browser
  • Some of the optimization cards enhanced to remove panel dependency

Resolved Issues

  • 3D detailed visualization of Elastic section generated by Section Property is lost when opening an *.hm binary file if no sketch is assigned.
  • Unable to card edit CWELD Element.
  • Subcase selection in DCONSTR was missing for input file with PFMOD.
  • CGAP node projection
  • Incorrect import of Contact clearance value with exponential format