
Add draft to one or more faces of a part.

The sides of the object should not be parallel to the pull direction (the direction in which the mold is pulled away from the object). Instead, they need to be angled slightly so that the mold can be pulled away from the object easily, without deformation or damage. This slight angle is called draft. The deeper the mold, the more draft needed.
  1. First, create a reference plane. Skip this step if you want to designate an existing face in the model as the neutral plane.
  2. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Draft tool.

    Note: The tool may be hidden in a dropdown menu. To access the dropdown menu, you can do one of the following:
    • Click and hold the currently displayed tool (Shell).
    • Select at the lower right corner of the currently displayed tool (Shell).
    The guide panel appears.

  3. Choose a Direction:
    • Single (default): Create the draft on one side of the neutral plane.
    • Both: Create the draft on both sides of the neutral plane.
    • Symmetry: Create the draft symmetrically on both sides of the neutral plane.
  4. Select one or more faces to draft:
    1. Next to Faces to Draft, click the Select button.
    2. Select one or more faces.
    Note: To deselect a feature, hold down Ctrl while clicking. To clear all selected features, in the microdialog click Clear Selection.
  5. Designate the neutral plane:
    1. Next to Neutral Plane, click the Select button.
    2. If you created a reference plane in Step 1, select it. Otherwise, select an existing face in the model.
    A blue arrow appears, indicating the draw direction.
  6. In the guide panel, adjust the Draft Angle.
    Note: To reverse the draft direction of a selected face, in the microdialog click Reverse Draft Direction .
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.