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The computation time has increased a lot for transient thermal computations

The computation time needed for the test Characterization/Thermal/Transient is much higher than in the previous version (14 minutes instead of 2 minutes for instance). There is the same problem with the test Performance mapping - Efficiency map while computing user working point(s) analysis with thermal solving.

This issue will be fixed in the next version (ref.: FXM-15653 and FXM-15654).

Full geometry is provided although periodicity would be possible

While exporting a project to Flux 2d or Skew, the periodicity is multiplied by 2 when the number of represented poles is odd and different from 1 (ref.: FXM-15566)

No option to save the work after loss of license

Motor Factory 2022.3 does not give option to save the work after loss of license. (FXM-15557, FXM-15556).

Hairpin architecture

Solving tests or exporting projects to Flux is not allowed when the Hairpin winding is built with two layers. This will be fixed for the next version (ref.: FXM-15516)

Error with automatic connection between FluxMotor and HyperStudy

Sometimes, an error occurs when exporting/opening a connector several times in succession (ref.: FXM-15510).

Unable to execute test with Skew enabled in certain machine models (SMPM-OR)

Sometimes, for certain kind of machine, it is not possible to execute test with a skewed topology. In such cases, the error message contains the following message: “Please decrease the "Relative epsilon for distance between Points” (ref.: FXM-15475).

Export to FeMT with too long output path

The Flux script crashes when the output path for FeMT export is too long (ref.: FXM-15471).

Excel export does not work for the test Model - Maps

For the Synchronous machines with Permanent Magnets – SMPM (ref.: FXM-15465).

Fault in the coupling FluxMotor-HyperStudy

An error in the FluxMotor process doesn't stop the HyperStudy execution (ref.: FXM-15402).

ScriptFactory does not stop correctly

This occurs if the FluxMotor process has been killed externally. Then, ScriptFactory is not able to get back to a valid state, neither automatically, neither after a kill of the process (ref.: FXM-15140)

Bad meshing while representing wires inside the slots

When exporting a project from FluxMotor to Flux 2D, the mesh in the slot can be sometime very bad in the region surrounding the represented wires inside the coil conductors (ref.: FXM-15151).

Issue with exported Flux Skew projects

After exporting a Flux Skew project, if the user solves the project and delete the results and then solve again, the running of the project fails (ref.: FXM-15075).

Null values are not well managed while designing the Frame and shaft

Null values are allowed for designing the housing, bearing or shaft dimensions, but this leads to a wrong thermal analysis. It is highly recommended not to use null values for the considered inputs (ref.: FXM-14705).

Error while opening a motor (2020.1) with null shaft extension

Opening a motor built with the version 2020.1 (or older) with a null shaft extension leads to an error. With new versions, a null shaft extension is forbidden (ref.: FXM-14684).

The interwire space is not well defined

The resulting value of the interwire space applied in the finite element model is twice the value set in the user inputs (ref.: FXM-14672).

Air material properties are wrong for high temperature

This issue impacts our internal computation processes during transient thermal solving. Indeed, some iterations involve very high temperature (more than 3000 °K) according to Newton Raphson non-linear solving method. During the resolution, this can lead to negative conductivity and viscosity which may make the computation fail (ref.: FXM-14465).
Note: in case of problem, An “Air material” with the right parameters can be provided

Internal optimization processes can crash

Sometimes, when FluxMotor® launches an optimization in the back end with HyperStudy®, due to an error in the internal process (evaluation of the objective functions), FluxMotor® crashes.

Moreover, without any log file to explain the issue, one cannot understand the cause of system crash (ref.: FXM-13949).

When an IO cannot be loaded, the test results are not accessible

When an IO cannot be loaded, the whole process that loads all the test results is stopped. As a result, no test is visible although the issue may concern one result in a particular test (ref.: FXM-13941).

A wedge and/or inter-coil insulation region leads to a wrong slot equivalent thermal conductivity

The slot radial thermal conductivity, which is automatically provided by the FluxMotor® in "Cooling-Internal" context, and used in all thermal tests, is wrong if the slot contains faces "wedge" or "inter-coil insulator" (ref.: FXM-13896).

Power electronics and coupling with HyperStudy®

For tests where settings "Electronics" is available, data like power electronics stage, maximum efficiency and its rated power can be selected for generating a connector for HyperStudy®, but it should not be.

In the Export-HyperStudy® area, when the selected test is “Working Point, T-N”, the settings of “Electronics” - "Max efficiency", and "Rated Power" - are exported even if the associated option is not selected (ref.: FXM-13726).

Winding environment – MMF computation

The Counter-Clockwise sequence (MMF computation) is not considered in the Altair® Flux® model which one can export. Only the clockwise phase sequence is considered (ref.: FXM-10280).

Using "phase sequence" - set to "Counterclockwise" leads to wrong results in tests (ref.: FXM-13358).

Flux density isovalues

When a skewed topology is considered (Synchronous machines or induction machines), the flux density isovalues, the vector potential isolines and the rotor bars current density isovalues are not displayed (ref.: FXM-12564).