Import Model and Metadata Files

Import a set of files to start the SnRD solver deck setup process.

The Model and Metadata panel is displayed below:

Figure 1.
The files required for process are listed and explained below:
File Type Description Remarks
Model File The finite element model which needs to be studied Model file is mandatory. SnRD supports below formats-
  • *.hm - a native HyperMesh file format
  • *.fem - an OptiStruct user profile based model file
Dimensional Tolerance Specifications (DTS) File
  • This file contains the manufacturing tolerance between components in the model.
  • This is usually provided by the CAD designers.
  • This file is optional
  • The file must be in the .csv format
  • DTS file content should be as shown below, with prescribed column titles:

Ziegler Material Database A Ziegler’s database which contains stick-slip testing data of pairs of materials, for a wide variety of commercial materials
  • The Ziegler Material Database is located on a Hosted server or Cloud, and can be accessed through an option to connect and login to the server to access the database.
  • You can either connect to a local instance, or Cloud service based on configuration defined in MaterialSnR.cfg file to retreive material pair data
  • When using Ziegler database, local or cloud instance, the Material Mapping task panel will be as shown below:

  • When using a material definition file, the Material Mapping task panel will be as shown below:

Material Data File This file contains the material data created.
  • This file is optional
  • The file must be in the .csv format
  • Material CSV files should be as shown below, with prescribed column titles:

The files listed above must be provided. Once the files are specified, SnRD makes a copy of these files in to a working directory in the same directory as the model file. The name of the working directory will follow the name of the model file and suffixed by _SNRD. For example, if the mode file name is SnR_demo_model, then the name of the working directory will be SnR_demo_model_SNRD

Note: The Ziegler Material Database is made available on request and comes as an package external to SNRD. Contact your local Altair office for more info on Ziegler Material Database
The next step in the process is to define the Geometric Lines Management.