Model and Metadata Tutorial

Process Parameters tasks

This section provides steps for importing the required files.

  1. Click in the Model File field.
    A file selection dialog appears. Browse and select from the tutorial files location.
  2. Click in the DTS File field.
    A file selection dialog appears. Browse and select dts_document.csv from the tutorial files location.
  3. Click in the Material File field.
    A file selection dialog appears. Browse and select materialdb_sar.csv from the tutorial files location.
  4. Once all the files are selected, click Apply.
    Following windows appear:
    • Model and metadata import Working Status...-

      Figure 1.
    • Material data import Working Status...-

      Figure 2.
    Once the window closes, selected files will be loaded to session and the model will be displayed in the graphics area.

    Figure 3.
    You can switch to Model tab to view the entities present in the model.

    Figure 4.
  5. Click Next to continue to Interface Definition, which is the next step in process.