SnRD Post Tab

The first step in SnRD post-processing is to load the input files. This task can be achieved using the SnRD Main Tab, and tab is shown below.

Figure 1.
You can perform the following operations in the SnRD Main Tab:
  1. Model File - browse and select the model file (.FEM) that was generated from Export Solver Deck.
  2. Pre-output File - CSV file containing the ELine data.
    Note: The Pre-output CSV is generated automatically during the SnRD pre-processing steps. Once you completes the material mapping task, the CSV file exported to the same location as the model is present and created with the same name of the model with _pre_output being suffixed. The CSV file is of the following format.

    Figure 2.
    The file format contains the following columns:
    Column Remarks
    Line ID ELine number
    Line Type States the line type, Rattle or Squeak
    Materials pair Mapped materials names are listed
    min-max Impulse rate minimum and maximum values are listed
    Interface Name Name selected for the interface and this is picked from DTS file
    Gap Dimension [mm] Gap dimension between the selected interface. This value is picked from DTS file.
    Tolerance [mm] Tolerance limits for the gap dimension for the selected interface. This value is picked from DTS file
    Master ID Master component ID for respective ELine
    Slave ID Slave component ID for respective ELine
    Contact Type Contact type defined for the ELine
  3. Results File selection allows you to:
    1. Add add result files for processing
      Note: Once a result file is added the session, the respective subcase present in the file is listed in the Subcase Selection table. You have to select at least one subcase from the list for results processing.
    2. Remove to remove a result file from the list
  4. Save Session File - save a HyperWorks X session file. This session will be utilised to store the post processing data of SnRD.
  5. Analysis Type - drop-down to select an anaylsis type. Supported analysis types are
    1. Rattle
    2. Squeak
  6. Line(s) to analyze - drop-down to select the required ELine from the model.
  7. % statistical evaluation - specify the percentage of statistical evaluation based on the methodology implemented while studying the squeak and rattle analysis of the model.

    If you specify 0%, the values will not be sampled and a "mean value" will not be calculated. A global maximum will be taken into consideration in this case.

    If you enter a value less than 0 and greater than 100, SnRD will show a warning message and will ask you to enter a value within 0 and 100.

  8. Session Type - radio button option to select the required session type. The supported options are
    1. Summary - Creates one session per subcase with only the overview pages for each of the squeak and rattle interface in the model.
    2. Full Analysis - Creates one session per subcase, and creates detailed plots for each of the interfaces present in the model.
  9. Execute - after making the required selection of files, you have to click Execute to execute and evaluate the squeak and rattle issues.
  10. Load Session - you can also load a previously executed session file. This helps you to populate data of any previous execution.
  11. Collapse UI - click the collapse button to close the Inputs selection and to view the main SnRD tabs.