Export Solver Deck

This is the final step in the pre-processing stage of building models for squeak and rattle analysis. In this step you can export the fully defined solver deck for solving. The panel for this step is shown in the image below.

Figure 1.

Modal Analysis Setup - In case you want to perform Sensitivity Analysis of the results in the post-processing module of SnRD, a Modal Subcase is required in the model for the extraction of data, such as the modal contribution, which can then be used in the post-processing of results for a full Sensitivity Analysis.

SnRD now supports automated creation of the subcases required for performing a Modal Analysis.

This option will enable the creation of the necessary Modal Subcase in the solver deck, as an additional load case. Instead of manually creating this new subcase, SnRD uses the appropriate cards from the input in the Modal Transient Load case step and creates the Modal Subcase. The tool also ensures that the two subcases are properly combined.

Export Solver Deck

  1. By default, the solver deck will be exported to the SNRD model working directory. Alternatively, you can change the destination folder using the file browser option to browse and select the new location.
  2. Select Merge or Preserve option for Include file(s) option.
  3. Click > Export solver deck.
    The full FE model is exported to the working folder with the same name as the model file. The export status is shown in the bottom left corner of the HyperMesh window.

    Figure 2.

    Once the .FEM file is exported, you can run the solver deck on OptiStruct to obtain the results files, which can be later used in SnRD post-processing to evaluate Squeak and Rattle issues.