Output Request Creation

In this step, you can define output types and node/node sets for obtaining nodal loadcase outputs. The panel is shown below.

Figure 1.
The outputs panel supports three output types:
  1. Displacement
  2. Velocity

Select Response Type

  1. Click the required output response type from the Response Type drop-down list. The available options are:
    • Displacement
    • Velocity
  2. Click the required entity selection method from the Entity Selection option. The choices are:
    • Nodes

Define Output Based on Nodes

  1. Click Nodes from the Entity selection drop-down menu.
    A node selection panel displays.
  2. Select the required nodes using any of the node selection options available on the panel.
  3. Click proceed.
  4. Click select.
  5. Click proceed.
  6. Click Create.
    A new output is added and the same is listed in the adjacent table.

Auto Create Outputs

  1. Click the required output response type from the Response Type drop-down list. The available options are:
    1. Displacement
    2. Velocity
  2. Click Auto Add.
    a set that contains all of the nodes belonging to the E-Lines of the model.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the next step in the process.
    Note: You must create and activate at least one output in this panel before moving to the next step.

Update Output Request

  1. To update a subcase definition with new output request, make the necessary changes and click Update Subcase.