Modal Transient Subcase Creation

The MTRAN Subcase panel can be used to create subcases for the model. The panel is shown below:

Figure 1.
You can perform the following operation in this panel
  • Add a new subcase
    • Provide Subcase Name
    • Proivde Label, if required
  • Update existing subcase title
  • Delete selected subcase
  • Delete all subcases in the table

Adding a New Subcase Definition

  1. Enter a name for the new subcase, in the Subcase name field.
    The subcase name should not contain blank spaces. If the name that you have entered contain blank spaces, will automatically add an _ symbol in its place.
  2. To add a label to the subcase, select the Label checkbox.
    The text field will become active.
  3. Enter a label for the subcase in this field.
  4. Click Add.
    The subcase is added and the same is displayed in the subcase list on the panel.

    Figure 2.
  5. Select the checkbox for the created subcase to use that for further processing.

Managing Subcases

  1. Click to select all subcases in the list.
  2. Click to unselect all subcases in the list.
  3. Click to reverse the selection of the subcases in list.
  4. Click the subcase name from the list.
  5. Enter a new name and label in the Subcase name and Label fields.
  6. Click Update.
    The subcase name and label is updated.
  7. Click the subcase name from the list.
  8. Click Delete.
    The subcase is deleted from the panel and model.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the next step in the process.