Material Setup

The material setup section is defined within:
<MaterialSetup type="SN">
Table 1. <MaterialSetup> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Commend




The <MaterialSetup> tag is defined by:
Element Tag Valid Values Comment
<UserMaterialFile> Valid Material file path Optional
<EntityList> NA Mandatory Compound Element
<ExcludeSets> NA Optional- Compound Element

User-Defined Material File

The user-defined materials are optional.

The user-defined materials can be added by providing a valid .csv filepath.

Entity List

The entity list is defined as:
<EntityList evaltype="Parts">
The entity list section has the following attributes:
Attribute Valid Values Comment



For selecting Parts
<EntityList evaltype="Parts">
For selecting elements in Sets
<EntityList evaltype="Sets">


The entity element tag is defined as:
<entity id="1" matname="Mat_SN(1)" name="part_1” poolname="Global" FL="0"         Findley="0.3" Kf="1" Offset="0" SE="0.3" Scale="1" TF="0">


A valid name must be keyed in to the matname. The material name can be specified from the user-defined materials (.csv) file or from the HyperLife Material database.

Attribute Valid Values Comment
name Valid Part name in model file Either name or id is Mandatory. If both are given, id will be used
id Valid Part id in model file
poolname Valid poolname for the entity type Optional
Note: If no poolname is given, default poolname of the entity will be assumed
Scale Valid value NA
Table 2. SN Material Attributes (Valid Only for SN Analysis)
Attribute Valid Values
FL 0 < Value
SE 0 =< Value
Findley 0 =< Value
TF 0 =< Value
Kf 1.0 =< Value
Table 3. EN Material Attributes (Valid Only for EN Analysis)
Attribute Valid Values
SEe 0 =< Value
SEp 0 =< Value
Kf 1.0 =< Value

The following are optional child elements of the Entity element.

Surface Finish

The Surface Finish element tag is defined as:
<SurfaceFinish Option="NONE">0.1</SurfaceFinish>
Element Tag Valid Values
<SurfaceFinish> Option








Value 0 < Value <1.0

Surface Treatment

The Surface Treatment element tag is defined as:
<SurfaceTreatment Option="NONE">0.1</SurfaceTreatment>
Element Tag Valid Values
<SurfaceTreatment> Option






Value 0 < Value < 2.0

Temperature Factor

The Temperature Factor element tag is defined as:
<TemperatureFactor Option="NONE"></TemperatureFactor>
There are three options available for temperature factor:
  • NONE
  • User Defined
  • FKM
Temperature factor "NONE"
<TemperatureFactor Option="NONE"></TemperatureFactor>
Element Tag Valid Values
<TemperatureFactor> Option "NONE"
Value 0.1 (Default)
Temperature factor "USER DEFINED"
<TemperatureFactor Option="USER DEFINED" Value="1"></TemperatureFactor>
Element Tag Valid Values
<TemperatureFactor> Option "USER DEFINED"
Value 0 < Value < 1.0
Temperature factor "FKM"
<TemperatureFactor Option="FKM">
          <Temperature Option="ISOTHERMAL">150</Temperature>
Element Tag Valid Values Valid Temperature Values
<TemperatureFactor> Option "FKM" NA
<Temperature> Option "ISOTHERMAL" NA






150 (default)

100 < Value < 500


150 (default)

60 < Value < 500


150 (default)

50 < Value < 200

Exclude Sets

Exclude Sets are defined as:
<set id="" name="Set 1" poolname="User_Set" type="element"></set>
Restriction: Currently, only element type is supported.