Force: Bushing

Command ElementModifies a BUSHING force element.


     id                  = "integer"     
     i_marker_id         = "integer"     
     j_marker_id         = "integer"     
     kx                  = "real"     
     ky                  = "real"     
     kz                  = "real"     
     ktx                 = "real"     
     kty                 = "real"     
     ktz                 = "real"     
     cx                  = "real"     
     cy                  = "real"     
     cz                  = "real"     
     ctx                 = "real"     
     cty                 = "real"     
     ctz                 = "real"     
     preload_x           = "real"     
     preload_y           = "real"     
     preload_z           = "real"     
     preload_tx          = "real"     
     preload_ty          = "real"     
     preload_tz          = "real"


Element identification number (integer>0). This number is unique among all Force_Bushing elements and uniquely identifies the element.
Specifies the Reference_Marker at which the force is applied. This is designated as the point of application of the force.
Specifies the Reference_Marker at which the reaction force and moment are applied. This is designated as the point of reaction of the force.
kx, ky, kz, ktx, kty, ktz
These define the diagonal entries for a 6x6 stiffness matrix that is used to calculate the spring force for Force_Bushing. All stiffness values must be non-negative, in other words, Kij ≥ 0.
cx, cy, cz, ctx, cty, ctz
These define the diagonal entries for a 6x6 damping matrix that is used to calculate the damping force for Force_Bushing. All damping values must be non-negative, in other words, Cij ≥ 0.
preload_x, preload_y, preload_z, preload_tx, preload_ty, preload_tz
These define the pre-loads in the Force_Bushing element. In other words, the forces at I when there is deformation. The force and torque components are measured in the J coordinate system. The first three components define the pre-load force while the last three are pre-load torques. The data is optional. Their default values are 0.


     id         = "207006"
     kx         = "6000."
     cx         = "6."
     preload_x  = "0."
     ky         = "6000."
     cy         = "6."
     preload_y  = "0."
     kz         = "1000."
     cz         = "1."
     preload_z  = "0."
     ktx        = "500000."
     ctx        = "500."
     preload_tx = "0."
     kty        = "500000."
     cty        = "500."
     preload_ty = "0."
     ktz        = "100000."
     ctz        = "100."
     preload_tz = "0."