Block Format Keyword Describes the time history for interfaces.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
var_ID1 var_ID2 var_ID3 var_ID4 var_ID5 var_ID6 var_ID7 var_ID8 var_ID9 var_ID10
Obj_ID1 Obj_ID2 Obj_ID3 Obj_ID4 Obj_ID5 Obj_ID6 Obj_ID7 Obj_ID8 Obj_ID9 Obj_ID10


Field Contents SI Unit Example
thgroup_ID TH group identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

thgroup_name TH group name.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

var_ID1, ...n Variables saved for TH (see table below).

(Character, maximum 8 characters)

Obj_ID1, ...n Identifiers of the objects to be saved.



TH Output Keyword & Variables

Keyword Object Saved Variables
INTER Interface FNX, FNY, FNZ, FTX, FTY, FTZ, and SFW.

|FNX|, |FNY|, |FNZ|, ||FN||, |FX|, |FY|, |FZ|, ||F||, MX, MY, MZ

These absolute force variables are only for interface types /INTER/TYPE7, /INTER/TYPE10, /INTER/TYPE11, /INTER/TYPE19, /INTER/TYPE24, /INTER/TYPE25 and their sub interfaces (/INTER/SUB).

QFRIC is available for interface TYPE7 and TYPE21.


Available Variable Groups - Part 2

Keyword Variable Group Saved TH Variables








|FNX|, |FNY|, |FNZ|, ||FN||

|FX|, |FY|, |FZ|, ||F||

Output for Interface

  • CE_ELAST: Elastic contact energy which is the recoverable energy stored in the contact penalty springs. Only output when /TH/VERS/2021.
  • CE_FRIC: Frictional contact energy. Only output when /TH/VERS/2021.
  • CE_DAMP: Damping contact energy. Only calculated for Interfaces TYPE2, 10, 18, 21, 23 and 25. Only output when /TH/VERS/2021. 2
  • FNX: normal force in direction X
  • FNY: normal force in direction Y
  • FNZ: normal force in direction Z
  • FTX: tangent force in direction X
  • FTY: tangent force in direction Y
  • FTZ: tangent force in direction Z
  • |FNX| absolute value of normal force of the X-component of the contact force (1)
    | FNX ( S , m ) |

    FNX ( S , m ) is the X-component of the normal contact force applied to the main segment m , due to secondary node S .

  • |FNY|: absolute value of normal force of the Y-component of the contact force
  • |FNZ|: absolute value of normal force of the Z-component of the contact force
  • |FX|: absolute value of the X-component of the contact force(2)
    | FX ( S , m ) |

    FX ( S , m ) is the X-component of the contact force applied to the main segment m , due to secondary node S .

  • |FY|: absolute value of the Y-component of contact force
  • |FZ|: absolute value of the Z-component of contact force
  • MX: moment around X-axis of global system
  • MY: moment around Y-axis of global system
  • MZ: moment around Z-axis of global system
  • QFRIC: heat created from friction energy
  • SFW: work of forces along the interface. It is only available for interfaces TYPE14 and TYPE15


  1. Available names are listed in the two tables above.
    • In the first table, TH-variables are listed. If a TH-variable is requested, this variable is written.
    • In the second table, other variable groups are listed. If a variable group is requested, all the associated TH-variables are written at once.
  2. Damping energy is computed only for Interfaces TYPE2, 10, 18, 21, 23, and 25. Thus, for other interfaces, it is not taken into account in global contact energy. This is not crucial as damping energy remains small comparing to elastic and frictional energy.