Animation: implementation and manipulation


As the animation is considered as an entity, a certain number of actions are possible. The main ones are presented in detail in the following blocks.

Create an animation

To create an animation:

Step Action

Open the box to create an animation:

  • in the Graphic menu, point on Animation and click on New or click on the icon
The dialog box of animation creation is opened

In the tab General:

  • choose the pilot (scenario, parameters, limits, step frequency)
  • choose the Build option

In the tab Display:

  • choose the desired results to display (isovalues or isolines or arrows or a combination)
  • choose the limits of the scales to apply (optional)

In the tab Properties:

  • choose the Resolution
  • choose the Video generation options
5 Validate by clicking on OK

A window showing the progress of the various stages of the animation generation appears

Once the creation of the animation is finished, according to the chosen build option, the images have been created and stored, and they appear in the viewer in Flux. The video is created and stored in the working directory.

Display an animation

To display an already created animation*:

Step Action
1 Select the desired animation in the General data tree
2 Activate the contextual menu by right click on the selected animation
3 In the contextual menu click on Display
The animation appears in the Viewer in Flux in a tab. It is possible to display several animations, each animation have a tab, so a different Viewer.
Note: * It is also possible to display an animation starting from the Graphic menu by pointing on Animation and clicking on Display.

Hide an animation

To hide an animation*:

Step Action
1 Select the animation desired in the General data tree
2 Activate the contextual menu by right click on the selected animation
3 In the contextual menu click on Hide

The animation is hidden

Note: * It is also possible to hide an animation
  • starting from the Graphic menu and pointing on Animation and clicking on Hide


  • starting from the tab corresponding to the animation by clicking on

Deletion of an animation

Here are some rules of the operation of an animation deletion :

  • The animation deletion does not delete the directory ANIMATION_1.ANIM containing the images as long as the project has not been saved.
  • The deletion of an animation does not delete the associated vidéo*.avi. Once they are generated, the videos are independent from the project.