GUI Mode

In order to install Flux Version 2021.2, follow these instructions:

  1. Close all the applications in use
  2. Download the Flux 2021.2 installer: hwFlux2021.2_linux64.bin

    from the Altair One site:

    And save it locally
  3. Execute the file hwFlux2021.2_linux64.bin

    • Select a language
    • Click on the OK button

  4. In the Altair Flux 2021.2 – Linux 64-bit window (License Agreement panel):
    • Scroll through the license agreement and if you accept the terms of the License Agreement, then check the I accept the terms of the License Agreement box
    • Click on the Next button to install Flux 2021.2

  5. In the next Altair Flux 2021.2 – Linux 64-bit window (Introduction panel):
    • Click on the Next button to continue installing Flux 2021.2

  6. In the next Altair Flux 2021.2 – Linux 64-bit window (Choose Install Folder panel):
    • Choose an installation directory:
      • By default:
        • with an unprivileged account: the installation directory is /home/<username>/2021.2
        • with the root account: the installation directory is /root/2021.2
      • You can specify another installation directory, however, make sure that the full directory path does not include any special characters, then click on the Choose button
    • Click on the Next button to continue installing Flux 2021.2

  7. In the next Altair Flux 2021.2 – Linux 64-bit window (Pre-Installation Summary panel):
    • Click on the Install button to start the Flux 2021.2 installation

  8. In the last Altair Flux 2021.2 – Linux 64-bit window (Install Complete panel):
    • Click on the Done button to complete the Flux 2021.2 installation