Numerical methods available in
Radioss to apply the kinematic
conditions are:
- Penalty Method (Rigid Walls)
- The node displacements are constrained by the
application of penalty forces.
- Main Secondary Kinematic Condition (Interface
TYPE2 and Rigid Body)
- All secondary nodes lose their independence.
The degrees of freedom of the secondary nodes are expressed as a function of a main node
or element.
- Local Kinematic Condition (Rigid Link and
Cylindrical Joint)
- Constraint equations are applied to the nodes
to satisfy local kinematic conditions. No main node is used.
- Lagrange Multiplier (Radioss V44)
- This method consists in the nonlinear
resolution of the equilibrium equations under constraints. This method is optional for
some classical kinematic conditions as: interfaces, rigid wall, rigid body and boundary
conditions. It is a unique method that is available for some new kinematic conditions,
such as: gear joints and interface TYPE16 and TYPE17.
- This method is generally used when other
methods are not applicable. For example, when the
kinematic condition must be satisfied exactly
while a node contacts a surface. On the other
hand, as the method is based in the nonlinear
resolution of equations by Newton-Raphson method,
its efficiency may be poor for a general