Import Forces
Apply forces, spot forces, and spot displacements from an external comma separated values (.csv) file.
Imported Forces CSV File Format
.csv file format for importing forces, spot forces, and spot displacements.
The .csv file contains one header row and one or more additional data rows. Data values are as follows.
Forces CSV File Format Fields
- X, Y and Z – Numeric values. Spatial location of the remote load.
- Fx, Fy and Fz – Numeric values. Force component values in X, Y and Z directions.
- Load case – (optional) String value. Only required if multiple load cases are present
Example Forces CSV File
X,Y,Z,Fx,Fy,Fz,Load case
Spot Forces CSV File Format Fields
- X, Y and Z – Numeric values. Spatial location of the remote load.
- Fx, Fy and Fz – Numeric values. Force component values in X, Y and Z directions.
- Mx, My, Mz - Numeric values. Moment component values in X, Y, and Z directions.
- Diameter - Numeric value. Diameter of the spot.
- Load case – (optional) String value. Only required if multiple load cases are present.
Example Spot Forces CSV File
X,Y,Z,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz,Diameter,Load case
Spot Displacements File Format Fields
- X, Y and Z – Numeric values. Spatial location of the remote load.
- Tx, Ty and Tz – Numeric values. Translation component values in X, Y and Z directions.
- Rx, Ry, Rz - Numeric values. Rotation component values in X, Y, and Z directions.
- Diameter - Numeric value. Diameter of the spot.
- Load case – (optional) String value. Only required if multiple load cases are present.
Example Spot Displacements CSV File
X,Y,Z,Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz,Diameter,Load case