Edit and visualize streamlines as static images or animations, animate simulation results in mesh models using a color
map, and change the animation loop duration.
Create design iterations on the fly using a design table, where you can quickly modify and set thresholds for the
various parameters of a model, including sketch dimensions, without having to dig through construction history. You
can create multiple snapshot tables, setting different values for variables in each table. Then you can export
the file (model with design table) to HyperStudy to test and explore design alternatives. Variables in the Design
Table also become available in the Animation timeline, so you can define keyframes to animate the value.
Use variables, which can be defined as a value or expression, instead of fixed values when defining the parameters
of many geometry and the dimensions of sketching tools. When you change a value or expression, the model is updated
Create design iterations on the fly and assign variables.
Design Table
Create design iterations on the fly using a design table, where you can quickly modify and set thresholds for the various parameters of a model, including sketch dimensions, without having to dig through construction history. You can create multiple snapshot tables, setting different values for variables in each table. Then you can export the file (model with design table) to HyperStudy to test and explore design alternatives. Variables in the Design Table also become available in the Animation timeline, so you can define keyframes to animate the value.
Use variables, which can be defined as a value or expression, instead of fixed values when defining the parameters of many geometry and the dimensions of sketching tools. When you change a value or expression, the model is updated accordingly.