Scaling and Display Settings

A number of settings are available that affects how a result is scaled and displayed in a view. These settings influences the colour scaling of the legend and displayed colour range.

On the 3D View contextual tabs set, on the Display tab, in the Legends group, click the  Individual range icon.

Figure 1. The Entity manual limits settings dialog.

Linear Scaling

For linear scaling, the following options are available to control the value range of the result:
Automatically determined from data range
This option is applicable when you want the value range to clamp between the maximum and minimum values of the result.
Fixed range
This option is applicable when you want to specify the maximum and minimum values of the data range.

dB Scale

For dB scaling, the following options are available to control the value range of the result:
Automatically determined from data range
This option is applicable when you want the value range to clamp between the maximum and minimum values of the result.
Fixed range
This option is applicable when you want to specify the maximum and minimum values of the data range.
Specify max dynamic range
This option is applicable when you want the maximum value of the result data to be used as the upper limit for the legend values.

The minimum value of the result data is the maximum value of the result data minus the dynamic range value entered or the minimum value of the result data, whichever is larger.

Note: These settings affect the dynamic range limits.