A collection of cable cross sections.
application = cf.Application.GetInstance() project = application:Load({FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/Cables.cfx]]}) -- Add a cable bundle cross section to the collection bundledCables = { project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections["SingleConductor1"], project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections["TwistedPair1"] } bundle = project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections:AddBundle(bundledCables) -- Get a list of all the bundles in the collection bundles = project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections
The CableCrossSectionCollection object is derived from the AbstractModifiableCollection object.
Usage locations
The CableCrossSectionCollection object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Collection lists
- Cables object has collection CrossSections.
Property List
Method List
- AddBundle (properties table)
- Create a cable bundle cross section. (Returns a CableBundleCrossSection object.)
- AddBundle (cables List of CableCrossSection)
- Create a cable bundle cross section. (Returns a CableBundleCrossSection object.)
- AddCoaxial (properties table)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section from the table defining the properties. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddCoaxialUsingDimensions (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, shield CableShield)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its dimensions. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddCoaxialUsingDimensionsWithCoating (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, shield CableShield, coatingMedium Medium, coatingThickness Expression)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its dimensions. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddCoaxialUsingPropagationCharacteristics (magnitude Expression, phase Expression, attenuation Expression, vop Expression, outerradius CableShield)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its characteristics. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddCoaxialUsingPropagationCharacteristicsWithCoating (magnitude Expression, phase Expression, attenuation Expression, vop Expression, outerradius CableShield, shield Medium, coatingMedium Expression)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its characteristics. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddNonConductingElement (properties table)
- Create a non conducting element from the table defining the properties. (Returns a CableNonConductingElementCrossSection object.)
- AddNonConductingElementFromParameters (fibremedium Medium, radius Expression)
- Create a non conducting element cross section. (Returns a CableNonConductingElementCrossSection object.)
- AddPredefinedCoaxial (coaxtype CablePredefinedCoaxialTypeEnum)
- Create a predefined coaxial cable cross section. (Returns a CableCoaxialCrossSection object.)
- AddRibbon (properties table)
- Create a ribbon from the table defining the properties. (Returns a CableRibbonCrossSection object.)
- AddRibbon (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, numberofcores Expression, corespacing Expression)
- Create a ribbon cross section. (Returns a CableRibbonCrossSection object.)
- AddRibbonWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, numberofcores Expression, corespacing Expression)
- Create a ribbon cross section. (Returns a CableRibbonCrossSection object.)
- AddSingleConductor (properties table)
- Create a single conductor from the table defining the properties. (Returns a CableSingleConductorCrossSection object.)
- AddSingleConductor (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression)
- Create a single conductor cross section with no insulation. (Returns a CableSingleConductorCrossSection object.)
- AddSingleConductorWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression)
- Create a single conductor cross section with insulation. (Returns a CableSingleConductorCrossSection object.)
- AddTwistedPair (properties table)
- Create a twisted pair from the table defining the properties. (Returns a CableTwistedPairCrossSection object.)
- AddTwistedPair (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, twistdirection TwistDirectionEnum, twistradius Expression, twistlength Expression)
- Create a twisted pair cross section. (Returns a CableTwistedPairCrossSection object.)
- AddTwistedPairWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Dielectric, insulationthickness Expression, twistdirection TwistDirectionEnum, twistradius Expression, twistlength Expression)
- Create a twisted pair cross section. (Returns a CableTwistedPairCrossSection object.)
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the CableCrossSection for the given index in the collection. (Returns a CableCrossSection object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the CableCrossSection for the given label in the collection. (Returns a CableCrossSection object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of CableCrossSection items. (Returns a UnsupportedType(List of CableCrossSection) object.)
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
Method Details
- AddBundle (properties table)
- Create a cable bundle cross section.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new bundle.
- Return
- CableBundleCrossSection
- The cable bundle cross section.
- AddBundle (cables List of CableCrossSection)
- Create a cable bundle cross section.
- Input Parameters
- cables(List of CableCrossSection)
- A list of cables to include in the bundle.
- Return
- CableBundleCrossSection
- The cable bundle cross section.
- AddCoaxial (properties table)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section from the table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new coaxial cable.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable cross section.
- AddCoaxialUsingDimensions (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, shield CableShield)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- insulationmedium(Medium)
- The insulation medium for the 1st layer.
- insulationthickness(Expression)
- The insulation medium for the 1st layer.
- shield(CableShield)
- The shield.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable cross section.
- AddCoaxialUsingDimensionsWithCoating (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, shield CableShield, coatingMedium Medium, coatingThickness Expression)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- insulationmedium(Medium)
- The insulation medium for the 1st layer.
- insulationthickness(Expression)
- The insulation medium for the 1st layer.
- shield(CableShield)
- The shield.
- coatingMedium(Medium)
- The coating medium.
- coatingThickness(Expression)
- The thickness of the coating.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable cross section.
- AddCoaxialUsingPropagationCharacteristics (magnitude Expression, phase Expression, attenuation Expression, vop Expression, outerradius CableShield)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its characteristics.
- Input Parameters
- magnitude(Expression)
- The magnitude of the characteristic impedance (Ohm).
- phase(Expression)
- The phase of the characteristic impedance (degrees).
- attenuation(Expression)
- The attenuation of the propagation in (dB/m).
- vop(Expression)
- The velocity of the propagation as a (%).
- outerradius(CableShield)
- The thickness of the insulation.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable cross section.
- AddCoaxialUsingPropagationCharacteristicsWithCoating (magnitude Expression, phase Expression, attenuation Expression, vop Expression, outerradius CableShield, shield Medium, coatingMedium Expression)
- Create a coaxial cable cross section defined by its characteristics.
- Input Parameters
- magnitude(Expression)
- The magnitude of the characteristic impedance (Ohm).
- phase(Expression)
- The phase of the characteristic impedance (degrees).
- attenuation(Expression)
- The attenuation of the propagation in (dB/m).
- vop(Expression)
- The velocity of the propagation as a (%).
- outerradius(CableShield)
- The thickness of the insulation.
- shield(Medium)
- The shield.
- coatingMedium(Expression)
- The coating medium.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable cross section.
- AddNonConductingElement (properties table)
- Create a non conducting element from the table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new non conducting element.
- Return
- CableNonConductingElementCrossSection
- The non conducting element.
- AddNonConductingElementFromParameters (fibremedium Medium, radius Expression)
- Create a non conducting element cross section.
- Input Parameters
- fibremedium(Medium)
- The fibre medium.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius.
- Return
- CableNonConductingElementCrossSection
- The non conducting element.
- AddPredefinedCoaxial (coaxtype CablePredefinedCoaxialTypeEnum)
- Create a predefined coaxial cable cross section.
- Input Parameters
- coaxtype(CablePredefinedCoaxialTypeEnum)
- The coaxial cable type.
- Return
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
- The coaxial cable type.
- AddRibbon (properties table)
- Create a ribbon from the table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new ribbon.
- Return
- CableRibbonCrossSection
- The ribbon.
- AddRibbon (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, numberofcores Expression, corespacing Expression)
- Create a ribbon cross section.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- numberofcores(Expression)
- The number of cores.
- corespacing(Expression)
- The core spacing.
- Return
- CableRibbonCrossSection
- The ribbon.
- AddRibbonWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression, numberofcores Expression, corespacing Expression)
- Create a ribbon cross section.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- insulationmedium(Medium)
- The insulation medium.
- insulationthickness(Expression)
- The thickness of the insulation.
- numberofcores(Expression)
- The number of cores.
- corespacing(Expression)
- The core spacing.
- Return
- CableRibbonCrossSection
- The ribbon.
- AddSingleConductor (properties table)
- Create a single conductor from the table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new single conductor.
- Return
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection
- The single conductor.
- AddSingleConductor (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression)
- Create a single conductor cross section with no insulation.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- Return
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection
- The cross section.
- AddSingleConductorWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Medium, insulationthickness Expression)
- Create a single conductor cross section with insulation.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- insulationmedium(Medium)
- The insulation medium.
- insulationthickness(Expression)
- The thickness of the insulation.
- Return
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection
- The cross section.
- AddTwistedPair (properties table)
- Create a twisted pair from the table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new twisted pair.
- Return
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection
- The twisted pair.
- AddTwistedPair (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, twistdirection TwistDirectionEnum, twistradius Expression, twistlength Expression)
- Create a twisted pair cross section.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- twistdirection(TwistDirectionEnum)
- The twist direction.
- twistradius(Expression)
- The twist radius.
- twistlength(Expression)
- The twist length.
- Return
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection
- The twisted pair.
- AddTwistedPairWithInsulation (coremedium Medium, coreradius Expression, insulationmedium Dielectric, insulationthickness Expression, twistdirection TwistDirectionEnum, twistradius Expression, twistlength Expression)
- Create a twisted pair cross section.
- Input Parameters
- coremedium(Medium)
- The core medium.
- coreradius(Expression)
- The core radius.
- insulationmedium(Dielectric)
- The insulation medium.
- insulationthickness(Expression)
- The thickness of the insulation.
- twistdirection(TwistDirectionEnum)
- The twist direction.
- twistradius(Expression)
- The twist radius.
- twistlength(Expression)
- The twist length.
- Return
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection
- The twisted pair.
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the CableCrossSection for the given index in the collection.
- Input Parameters
- index(number)
- The index of the CableCrossSection.
- Return
- CableCrossSection
- The item in the collection
- Item (label string)
- Returns the CableCrossSection for the given label in the collection.
- Input Parameters
- label(string)
- The label of the CableCrossSection.
- Return
- CableCrossSection
- The item in the collection
- Items ()
- Returns a table of CableCrossSection items.
- Return
- UnsupportedType(List of CableCrossSection)
- The list of items in the collection
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.