A collection of non-radiating networks.
application =cf.Application.GetInstance() project = application:NewProject() -- Use the network collection to add a transmission line networkCollection = project.Contents.SolutionConfigurations.GlobalNetworks networkCollection:AddTransmissionLine(10, 50, 25, 10)
The NetworkCollection object is derived from the AbstractModifiableCollection object.
Usage locations
The NetworkCollection object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Collection lists
- SolutionConfigurationCollection collection has collection GlobalNetworks.
Property List
Method List
- AddGeneralNetwork (properties table)
- Create a general network from a table defining the properties. (Returns a GeneralNetwork object.)
- AddGeneralNetwork (type GeneralNetworkDataTypeEnum, terminalcount number, filename string)
- Create a general network from data stored in either a Touchstone or SPICE circuit file. (Returns a GeneralNetwork object.)
- AddTransmissionLine (properties table)
- Create a transmission line from a table defining the properties. (Returns a TransmissionLine object.)
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, attenuation Expression)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length and attenuation specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?SpecifiedAttenuation?. (Returns a TransmissionLine object.)
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, medium Dielectric)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length and medium specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?MediumAttenuation?. (Returns a TransmissionLine object.)
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, attenuation Expression, velocity Expression)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length, attenuation and VOP specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?VelocityOfPropagation?. (Returns a TransmissionLine object.)
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Network for the given index in the collection. (Returns a Network object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Network for the given label in the collection. (Returns a Network object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Network items. (Returns a UnsupportedType(List of Network) object.)
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
Method Details
- AddGeneralNetwork (properties table)
- Create a general network from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties (table)
- A table of properties defining the new general network.
- Return
- GeneralNetwork
- The general network.
- AddGeneralNetwork (type GeneralNetworkDataTypeEnum, terminalcount number, filename string)
- Create a general network from data stored in either a Touchstone or SPICE circuit file.
- Input Parameters
- type(GeneralNetworkDataTypeEnum)
- The network data type.
- terminalcount(number)
- The number of network terminals.
- filename(string)
- The Touchstone or SPICE circuit filename.
- Return
- GeneralNetwork
- The general network.
- AddTransmissionLine (properties table)
- Create a transmission line from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new transmission line.
- Return
- TransmissionLine
- The transmission line.
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, attenuation Expression)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length and attenuation specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?SpecifiedAttenuation?.
- Input Parameters
- linelength(Expression)
- The transmission line length.
- real(Expression)
- The transmission line real impedance (Ohm).
- imaginary(Expression)
- The transmission line imaginary impedance (Ohm).
- attenuation(Expression)
- The transmission attenuation (dB/m).
- Return
- TransmissionLine
- The transmission line.
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, medium Dielectric)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length and medium specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?MediumAttenuation?.
- Input Parameters
- linelength(Expression)
- The transmission line length.
- real(Expression)
- The transmission line real impedance (Ohm).
- imaginary(Expression)
- The transmission line imaginary impedance (Ohm).
- medium(Dielectric)
- The transmission Medium.
- Return
- TransmissionLine
- The transmission line.
- AddTransmissionLine (linelength Expression, real Expression, imaginary Expression, attenuation Expression, velocity Expression)
- Create a transmission line with Z0, length, attenuation and VOP specified. This will set the DefinitionMethod to ?VelocityOfPropagation?.
- Input Parameters
- linelength(Expression)
- The transmission line length.
- real(Expression)
- The transmission line real impedance (Ohm).
- imaginary(Expression)
- The transmission line imaginary impedance (Ohm).
- attenuation(Expression)
- The transmission attenuation (dB/m).
- velocity(Expression)
- The transmission velocity of propagation [0-100%].
- Return
- TransmissionLine
- The transmission line.
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Network for the given index in the collection.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Network for the given label in the collection.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Network items.
- Return
- UnsupportedType(List of Network)
- The list of items in the collection
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.