Update FE Geometry

Create new FE geometry out of existing FE geometry.

  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the arrow next to the FE Geometry tool set, then select Update.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select elements or surfaces to update.
  3. Click on the guide bar to define:
    Remove existing features
    Before creating FE geometry, existing features can be removed.
    Create at features
    Simple - Fast method of identifying features based solely on the angle between normals of adjacent elements. Based on this, the surface is created.
    Connected - Seeks to avoid any "orphan" or non-closed feature lines. It includes a more rigorous check to combine small areas and avoid creating features that end abruptly or do not connect to any other features while creating surfaces. Example shown below:

    Figure 2.
    Edge feature angle
    Feature angle based on angle between normals of adjacent element normals. Based on the settings, features are created on the surfaces.
    Vertex feature angle
    Maintain connectivity of the input surfaces to any attached surfaces.
    Allow open features
    Orphan feature edges can be created with this option, as shown in Figure 2 by the Simple example.
    Create at component boundaries
    Feature edge separating the component boundary is created while creating different surfaces.
    Create at selection boundaries
    Feature edges are created considering element selection.
  4. Click Update.