Warning Messages When Loading Files

When loading an .hm file, you may receive a warning message depending on the version and solver interface in which the file was last saved.

There are three different warning messages:
  1. For files saved prior to HyperMesh version 14.0, the user profile in which it was saved cannot be determined. When attempting to load an .hm file saved in any profile or application prior to HyperMesh 14.0, clicking Load loads the model but does not change the solver interface.
  2. For any files saved after HyperMesh version 14.0 but in a profile that differs from the one currently loaded, you can either load the model and change the solver interface or load the model and remain in the current solver interface.
  3. For any files saved after HyperMesh version 14.0 that do not have a profile in HyperWorksMADYMO, for example – clicking Load loads the model but does not change the solver interface.