Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
1D mesh that allows accurate testing of connectors, such as bolts, and similar rod-like or bar-like objects that can
be modeled as a simple line for FEA purposes.
Use the General 2D Mesh: Biasing tool to apply linear, exponential, or bellcurve biasing to individual edges of a surface, and edit the elements size
Use the CFD 2D Mesh tool to generate hybrid grids containing hexa/penta/tetra elements in the boundary layer and tetra elements in the
core or fare field.
Automatically generate a mesh at the midplane location, directly from the input geometry (components, elements, solids
or surfaces), without first creating a midsurface.
The Rebuild tool streamlines the process of remeshing existing meshes to generate a new mesh with good quality and flow. The rebuild
mesh functionality utilizes the same parameter and criteria files used by BatchMesher to define the quality criteria and relevant mesh parameters. This algorithm saves significant time over the traditional
automesh and quality correction approach.
Adaptive wrap meshing is a useful utility to get a clean, water tight shell mesh out of 2D mesh containing several
intersecting parts and small gaps which do not need to be modeled.
Shrink wrap meshing is a method to create a simplified mesh of a complex model when high-precision models are not
necessary, as is the case for powertrain components during crash analysis.
Volume mesh or "solid meshing" uses three-dimensional elements to represent fully 3D objects, such as solid parts
or sheets of material that have enough thickness and surface variety that solid meshing makes more sense than 2D shell
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing
parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Use the General 2D Mesh: Biasing tool to apply linear, exponential, or bellcurve biasing to individual edges of a surface, and edit the elements size
Use the General 2D Mesh: Biasing tool to apply linear, exponential, or bellcurve
biasing to individual edges of a surface, and edit the elements size
Before you begin, use the General 2D Mesh:
Create tool to define a meshing area by selecting surfaces,
and create an initial mesh.
Element biasing can be used to improve element quality when transitioning from
smaller to larger element sizes, and enables you to moderate the changes in aspect
ratio from the start to the end.
After you have created an initial mesh, bias the placement of nodes so that their
intervals are not uniform in size. For example, you can designate that the smaller
intervals go near the start of the edge, near the end of the edge, near both ends
with larger intervals in the middle, or near the middle of the edge.
From the Mesh ribbon, click the General 2D Mesh > Biasing tool.
Figure 1.
Optional: On the guide bar, click
to define surface mesh options.
Left-click to select the edge(s) to modify.
In the microdialog, click the icon to select an element
biasing type.
Edit magnitude in the following ways:
Increase individual edge values by holding Ctrl while left-clicking on an edge; decrease individual edge values by
holding Ctrl while right-clicking on an
Scroll edge values by holding Ctrl while
scrolling the mouse wheel up and down. Hovering directly over an edge will
only modify that edge; hovering over empty space will modify all selected
Specify an edge value in the microdialog and
press Enter. If multiple edges are selected, a
common value will be applied. If multiple edges with different edge values
are selected, use the arrows in the microdialog to
modify individual edge values simultaneously, without applying a common
On the guide bar, click
Tip: Clear your selection by left-clicking in empty space.