
Class NonLinear()


Utility class to hold nonlinear properties for container objects like the fx fy fz tx ty and tz values of a Bushing, value of a ControlSISO, the f, t, fx fy fz tx ty and tz values of a Force, scale value of a ModalForce, value of a Motion, s_expr and s_expr2 of a ResponseVariable, expr value of Sensor, value of a SolverDiffeq, value of a SolverVariable and k, c, kt and ct values of SpringDamper.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
type Enum Type of value nonlinear entity holds. Takes values LIN, CRV, SPL3D or EXPR. 'LIN'
lin Double Value when nonlinear entity is of type LIN. 0
expr Function Expression the nonlinear entity is set to when type is EXPR. ''
crv Curve Curve entity the nonlinear entity is resolved to when type is CRV. None
spl Spline3D Spline3D entity the nonlinear entity is resolved to when type is SPL3D. None
int_type Enum Interpolation type when the value is of type curve or spline 3d. Takes values AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR or QUINTIC. 'AKIMA'
indep_var Function Independent variable 1 to define curve/spline3D when nonlinear entity is of type curve/spline3D. This value need to be in a templex syntax(within ``). '`-DX(, , )`'
indep_var2 Function Independent variable 2 to define spline3D when nonlinear entity is of type spline3D. '``'


You cannot create instances of the Nonlinear class. This class is used to modify the nonlinear properties in an entity.