Body: Rigid

Command ElementModifies a rigid body element.


     id                  = "integer"
   [ inertia_xx          = "real" 
     inertia_yy          = "real" 
     inertia_zz          = "real" 
     inertia_xy          = "real"     
     inertia_yz          = "real" 
     inertia_xz          = "real" 
     v_ic_x              = "real" 
     v_ic_y              = "real"     
     v_ic_z              = "real"     
     w_ic_x              = "real"     
     w_ic_y              = "real"     
     w_ic_z              = "real"     
     is_wet_body         = "boolean"     
     cp_inp_id           = "integer"    


Element identification number, (integer>0). This is a number that is unique among all Body_Rigid elements.
inertia_xx, inertia_yy, inertia_zz, inertia_xy, inertia_yz, inertia_xz
Defines the moments of inertia and the products of inertia of the rigid body about the origin of im_id and about its x-, y- and z-axes, respectively.
The attributes inertia_xx, inertia_yy, inertia_zz, inertia_xy, inertia_yz and inertia_xz are optional.
If a rigid body is fully constrained and you are not interested in the constraint forces, then these need not be specified.

When specified, inertia_xx, inertia_yy, and inertia_zz need to be strictly positive.

v_ic_x, v_ic_y, v_ic_z
Specifies the initial translational velocities of the Body_Rigid CG Marker along the global x, y and z axes. All three attributes are optional.
w_ic_x, w_ic_y, w_ic_z
Specifies the initial rotational velocities of the Body_Rigid CG Marker along the global x, y and z axes. All three attributes are optional.
Modifies whether the rigid body will interact with the AcuSolve model in co-simulation.
"TRUE" means that forces and torques computed in the AcuSolve simulation will be applied to the center of gravity of this body.

"FALSE" means that forces and torques computed in the AcuSolve simulation will not be applied to this body.

Modifies the ID of the Control_PlantInput element that holds the forces and torques computed in the AcuSolve simulation that will be applied to this rigid body.


     Id         = "101"
     inertia_xx = "10000."
     inertia_yy = "10000."
     inertia_zz = "10000."