Body: Rigid
Command ElementModifies a rigid body element.
id = "integer"
[ inertia_xx = "real"
inertia_yy = "real"
inertia_zz = "real"
inertia_xy = "real"
inertia_yz = "real"
inertia_xz = "real"
v_ic_x = "real"
v_ic_y = "real"
v_ic_z = "real"
w_ic_x = "real"
w_ic_y = "real"
w_ic_z = "real"
is_wet_body = "boolean"
cp_inp_id = "integer"
- id
- Element identification number, (integer>0). This is a number that is unique among all Body_Rigid elements.
- inertia_xx, inertia_yy, inertia_zz, inertia_xy, inertia_yz, inertia_xz
- Defines the moments of inertia and the products of inertia of the rigid body about the origin of im_id and about its x-, y- and z-axes, respectively.
- v_ic_x, v_ic_y, v_ic_z
- Specifies the initial translational velocities of the Body_Rigid CG Marker along the global x, y and z axes. All three attributes are optional.
- w_ic_x, w_ic_y, w_ic_z
- Specifies the initial rotational velocities of the Body_Rigid CG Marker along the global x, y and z axes. All three attributes are optional.
- is_wet_body
- Modifies whether the rigid body will interact with the AcuSolve model in co-simulation.
- cp_inp_id
- Modifies the ID of the Control_PlantInput element that holds the forces and torques computed in the AcuSolve simulation that will be applied to this rigid body.
Id = "101"
inertia_xx = "10000."
inertia_yy = "10000."
inertia_zz = "10000."