Altair HyperWorks CFD 2022.3 Release Notes


New Features

Capability to import multiple hm files
Added an option to import a HyperMesh file. This will help to merge two models if they are saved as two separate hm files. Also useful for a vehicle modeling workflow if you choose to work on assemblies to separate sessions and at the end want to merge all assemblies into single session.
New Discrete ribbon
Introducing the “Discrete” ribbon to let you work extensively on discrete geometry – like FE geometry and elements without any geometry. Some major features include:
  • New “Discrete” geometry workflow: Separated out CAD geometry and discrete (FE geometry and floating elements) tools.
  • “Mixed” data geometric modeling: In addition to “Geometry” and “FE Geometry” data types, a “Mixed” data type is added. When you switch to the “Mixed” data type, you can work both on CAD and elements individually. At the time of validation, the UI will convert the model to CAD geometry or FE geometry.
  • New discrete tools: The following are new tools added for discrete models:
    • Trim, Stitch, Decimate, Refine mesh, Fix normal, Gap filling, Auto-repair
New Assembly ribbon
Introducing the “Assembly” ribbon to consolidate parts and assembly related options. The following are major features this new ribbon provides:
  • Bulk import capability – Provides the capability to import multiple CAD or stl files, remove small bodies, split parts by bodies, and save each part file to efficiently handle large models utilizing a representation workflow.
  • Part representation workflow – Provides the capability to load, save, or unload part representations. Here you can save a specific representation of a part and load any representation in the session. This is useful for loading selected CAD parts belonging to large assembly when used with lite preview option.
  • Tool to merge and split parts – This tool provides an option to marge selected parts or split parts based on connectivity of faces.
Lite preview of CAD
For CAD file import, a new option is added to quickly preview CAD parts by displaying facets. This option is specifically useful for large models like full vehicle models. You can quickly bring in CAD as a display preview → Identify required parts → Only load the CAD representation of those parts (this will work for shattered CAD part files not monolithic files).


CAD Wrap improvements
Improved quality of CAD wrap and multi-threaded operations to make it very fast for large models.
Local size controls support
Support for local size settings for CAD wrap so you can define finer sizes for shapes of intrigue, like grills.


New Features

Surface streamline improvements
The surface streamlines entity has been updated to give access to wall shear stress for surface streamline calculations that are made on a boundary, where velocity=0.0. Additional options to specify the velocity vector as streamline source are maintained. An additional attribute to specify the offset from surface specifies the distance away from the entity of interest to calculate the streamline from. New options are allowed for surface streamlines to originate from derived entities; boundary groups, slice planes (2D calculation), iso-surfaces. Random and uniform seeding options are added.
Scalar opacity mapping
Scalar based transparency definition for derived entities colored by a scalar value has been added to improve visualization. The opacity display attributes may be specified with normalized or absolute scaling based on scalar field the is applied to the entity. An array definition of normalized [absolute] scalar value, opacity value is provided by you. Legend transparency is consistent with opacity map to properly indicate the transparency function. Scalar based opacity applies to Iso-surface, slice plane, boundary group, streamlines and vortex cores. Normalization will occur based on the entity that the map is prepared for at each time-step. The opacity map will not update per time-step.
Vector glyphs added to streamlines
Vector glyphs can now be added to a streamline to show the direction of the flow as it travels along the streamline. The vector display properties may be adjusted to define specific information associated with the vector glyph. Animation of the glyphs growing in space is also added.
Streamline duration control
The streamline integration limit (defines the arc length of multiple streamline polylines) has been added to the streamline display properties. The duration control can help to reduce particularly lengthy streamlines by limiting the total number of polylines that are rendered as a part of the visualization entity.
Vortex core selection for streamline seed creation
Vortex cores can now be selected as seed sources for the generation of streamlines. This creates a powerful workflow for visualizing the extent of flow recirculation regions. Start by creating the vortex cores, then use the surface seeding tool to create streamlines. Vortex cores are now exposed through the selection filter and may be picked as the geometry on which to create the seed points.


Performance improvements
  • The HyperWorks CFD post-processing backend has been updated to the most recent version of HyperWorks ParaView Library, available from January 2023. You will see a reduction in memory footprint when loading cell centered results files (ultraFluidX files). Memory usage has been shown to be approximately 25% less compared to previous versions.
  • State files (.cpstate) are now able to store user-defined views for managing custom viewpoints.
  • Box select may be used to “Select Through” in contexts where multiple selection is allowed. When used, box selection will include entities that are not visible in the graphics window due to the camera viewpoint.
  • The Plot Manager tool now allows access to compute user-defined functions utilizing AcuSolve Output Time History data.

Resolved Issues

  • Vortex core creation was causing a crash in certain use cases on Linux operating systems. The crash has been resolved and the use case is now functional.
  • Loading a state file containing vortex cores was previously not functioning. Vortex cores are now properly loading when included within a state file.
  • Support added for names containing “/”, which was previously causing the software to close unexpectedly.
  • Surface Fields and Miscellaneous Variables reader options have been added to visualize surface fields and further categorize the miscellaneous fields that do not fall into the previous grouping.
  • Toggle highlight was not functional for certain derived entities, including Streamline, Slice plane and Iso-surface. The behavior has been improved to allow access to toggle the highlight across all entities.
  • Iso-surface calculation of Iso-surface value = 0.0 would not return geometry for rendering. This has been resolved.