Altair Simulation Licensing 2022.3 Release Notes

New Features

Product License Features
The following Altair Simulation applications and tools are available under Altair Units (AUs) licensing:
EEvision interactively renders up-to-date schematics for targeted electrical components, connectivity, and influence to simplify the electrical system development and maintenance. It contains the following products and add-ons:
EEvision Basic
A online visualization platform for schematics of circuits, wiring harnesses, and components. This product requires 40 AUs (units are stacked against other Altair products).
EEvision Pro
Basic edition, plus some additional plug-ins (module navigator, module editor, shield and twist visualization, and end-circuit visualization. This product requires 55 AUs (units are stacked).
EEvision DocGen Add-on
An add-on for automatic document generation. This product requires 50 AUs (units are stacked).
EEvision Diff Add-on
A comparison tool for two EDB models. This product requires 50 AUs (units are stacked).
EEvision SignOff Add-on
An add-on for team sign-off capability. This product requires 50 AUs (units are stacked).
StarVision PRO
A debug solution for advanced electronic SoC (Silicon-on-Chip). This solution requires 50 AUs (units are stacked). The table below lists additional features and the units required:
Feature Description Units Required
StarVisionPro Debug solutions for advanced electronic SoC (Silicon-on-Chip); units are stacked. 50
SpiceParser Spice parser; units are leveled. 10
RTLParser RTL parser; units are leveled. 10
NetlistParser Netlist parser; units are leveled. 10
SV_Skill_Export Skill export; units are stacked. 20
SV_WaveForm_Analog Analog waveform viewer; units are stacked. 10
SV_Parasitic Parasitic analysis package; units are stacked. 10
SpiceVision Pro
Creates schematics, circuit fragments, and design documentation from Spice netlists. The table below lists additional features and the units required:
Feature Description Units Required
SpiceVisionPro Creates schematics, circuit fragments, and design documentation from Spice netlists; units are stacked. 20
SpiceParser Spice parser; units are leveled. 10
SV_Skill_Export Skill export; units are stacked. 20
SV_WaveForm_Analog Analog waveform viewer; units are stacked. 10
SV_Parasitic Parasitic analysis package; units are stacked. 10
GateVision PRO
Graphical gate-level netlist analyzer. The table below lists additional features and the units required:
Feature Description Units Required
GateVisionPro Graphical gate-level netlist analyzer; units are stacked. 20
NetlistParser Netlist parser; units are leveled. 10
RTLvision PRO
Visualization of large RTL designs, including third-party IP and reused blocks. The table below lists additional features and the units required:
Feature Description Units Required
RTLvisionPro Visualization of large RTL designs, including third-party IP and reused blocks; units are stacked. 25
RTLparser RTL parser; units are leveled. 10
NetlistParser Netlist parser; units are leveled. 10
InspireFluidsSolver integrates easy-to-use CFD exploration tools in the Inspire simulation-driven design process. This product requires 30 AUs.
SimLabnanoFluidXSolver runs the nanoFluidX solver through SimLab. The unit draw depends on the use of GPU number(s) as listed below.
GPU nanoFluidX
1 25
2 50
3-4 100
5-8 150
9-16 200
Each duplication +50
Named User Licensing
Named user licensing allows unique “users”, identified using their email credentials from Altair One for authorization and software use. The unique user herein is part of the organization (company) that has procured the software for using the Altair Managed Licenses. The Company administrator (admin) has access through the Altair One Managed Licensing portal to manage the users in the account. Only selected products are available under the Named User licensing.
Altair License Manager
Altair Simulation 2022.3 products require the Altair License Manager 15.1 or the latest version. The License Manager is compatible with previous versions of Altair software.
Note: Altair Simulation products that have upgraded the ALSDK to v15.1 no longer work with Altair License Manager 14.5.1 or older.

For more information, reference the Altair Units Licensing section in the Altair Simulation documentation.


Updates to Existing License Feature Names
Several product license feature names have been updated. See details in the Altair Units Licensing section of the Altair Simulation documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • The leveling/stacking units error during the solver backfill process.