Aided mesh
The Aided mesh means the use of the previously described adjusting tools, in a global manner over the assembly of a project.
Indeed, the adjustment of the mesh size can be done:
either locally :
adjustment information is created by the user and then allotted manually on the geometric entities of the project (points, lines, faces,)
or globally :
dynamic* adjustment information is created and automatically carried by the assembly of the geometric entities of the project (points, lines, faces, …)
* dynamic means here that the information for adjustment is directly linked to the dimensions of the entities on which they depend.
When the Aided mesh is activated, the software carries out the process presented in the table below.
Stage | Description |
1 |
Control of points :
2 |
Control of deflection on the curve lines and faces :
3 |
Control of relaxation :
4 |
Control of shading on the volumes (3D) :
Global adjustment
The Aided mesh must permit to rapidly obtain an automatic meshing of satisfactory quality that respects the geometry of the device .
The various tools are « preadjusted » with by default values. After a first meshing, the user can « play » with the various parameters up to the moment they obtain the desired result.
The Aided mesh is advised for meshing of all the projects in 2D.
It is particularly convenient :
- for the applications of electrostatic type (many distorted faces, and proximity of elements having linear physical properties)
- The mesh of a motor in 2D (one mesh element in the airgap with regular elements, regular mesh for curves, …)
- The Aided mesh combines the various adjustment tools (deflection, relaxation, shading) on the entities of the project. It is yet possible to have an overmeshing in certain zones of the domain.
- The Aided mesh respects the constraints connected to the geometry of the device without taking into consideration the physical properties of the studied device. The user must control the constraints connected to the physical aspect and adapt their adjustments to the studied physical phenomena (thin air gap, thickness of skin, …)
Reading advice
The meshing procedure with the Aided mesh is described to the user in section The process of meshing (Aided mesh) .