Adjustment: meshing by linear discretization (on the lines)


To adjust the mesh, the user can set the number and the distribution of the nodes on the lines.

The information regarding the number and the distribution of the nodes on the lines is carried by the lines, this is called meshing adjustment

« via the lines » or by means of linear discretizations .


The adjustment principle by linear discretization is illustrated in the example below:

  • the user imposes a number of elements and distribution on the line: 10 line elements, equidistant nodes.
  • the program divides the line according to this information.

Types of linear discretization

The different types of linear discretization are explained in the table below:

In a discretization of the … type … the user defines :
arithmetic the number of elements on the linev
absolute deflection the value of the deflection in meter
relative deflection the value of the relative deflection (0 < d < 1)
geometric with imposed number of elements the number of elements on the line and the ratio of the progression
geometric with minimal distance the number of elements, the ratio of the progression and the minimal distance to the high density point
length of elements at the two extremities the length of elements at the two extremities of the line
linked a transformation
weighted sum of line discretization a discretization list with a multiplying coefficient for each of the discretizations