Step 3: forces export


This section explains how to export a Computation of surface magnetic forces on rotating machine imported mesh.

It is available through the menu Force computation > Export for … or through the icon .

Force computation

Export for Nastran and export for OptiStruct

The exports for Nastran and for OptiStruct allows exporting forces harmonics into a Nastran format file.

In the export box, user has to specify:

  • The computation name
  • The number of harmonics to export
    • “empty” to export all harmonics
    • n first harmonics (n to specify)
  • Force unit
  • File name .BULK / .FEM

Export for HyperMesh

The export for HyperMesh allows exporting the forces into a file in HyperMesh format. In HyperMesh, it is possible to choose at the beginning a working profile which can be OptiStruct or Nastran.

For the export for HyperMesh, user has more options:

  • Computation name
  • The number of elements in depth is not to enter in this case
  • The export format: Nastran/OptiStruct
  • The file name
  • The force evolution type: static/temporal/frequency
    • Static forces: forces exported on one time step in magnetic transient (in this case, the computation should be done only on the interesting step, otherwise the first step is taken)
  • The force unit
  • Advanced options:
    • Number of harmonics (if empty, all harmonics are exported)
    • DLOAD card ID: this ID allows distinguishing the exports done on the same project (especially when solving with multi-physical parameters) to import all files correctly in HyperMesh. By default (DLOAD=0), the computation ID is attributed, but user can choose it manually in this option.
    • Simple or double precision: it defines the exported values precision.

Export into a data file

It is also possible to export the static or temporal forces into a .dat file