Correction tools: defaults


The faults can be generated in different ways :

  • during the creation of the geometry with the Flux software
  • after an import that contains incompatibilities with the Flux software, which detects some entities as faults.

In these two cases, tools of correction are available in Flux sketcher to correct the faults.

Default types

The faults recognized by the Flux sketcher can be of several types :

  • intersections
  • superimpositions
  • multi-section lines


An intersection fault can be:

  • a line crossed with another line
  • a line passing through a point
  • a point on a point (only after an import, linked to the geometric epsilon)

Several tools are available to correct this type of fault :

  • local correction: Adjust the intersections and Fractionnate
  • global correction: Correct all the intersection faults


A fault of superimposition is two superimposed lines which have a common section.

Several tools are available to correct this type of fault :

  • local correction: Merge lines
  • global correction: Correct all the superimposition faults

Multi-section lines

A multi-section line is not a real fault; it represents a useless difficulty for the Flux software.

A multi-section line is a line made of several successive collinear lines/sections, which could be represented geometrically by a single line.

It is preferable to simplify this type of line in order to improve the meshing and the solving.

Several tools are available to correct the multi-section lines:

  • local correction: Simplify the lines
  • global correction: Simplify all the lines