Solving scenario / computation step: about

Scenario: definition

A solving scenario is a Flux entity, which defines a control of the solving process (see example below).


  • In a Flux transient application the solving scenario sets up the time control, i.e. the values of time steps.
  • Within a parametric analysis, the solving scenario sets up the control of parameters, i.e. the values of parameters for various cases (computation steps).

Types of scenarios

Various types of scenarios in function of the study type (with / without parameters) and of the application type (transient / non-transient) are possible; they are presented in the table below.

Analysis without parameters
Application System … Scenario
Non transient Static / Harmonic / Quasi static

linear / non linear

Mono step

(one step)

Transient Transient

linear / non linear



Transient multi step

(More steps «connected to each other»)

Analysis with parameters
Application System … Scenario
Non transient Static / Harmonic / Quasi static

linear / non linear

Parametric multi step

(Several independent steps)

Transient Transient

linear / non linear



Transient and parametric multi step

(Several steps «connected to each other» or independent)

Note: There is always a solving scenario, even for the case when there is only one computation step.


There can be more than one scenario in the same Flux project.

Scenario states

States of a solving scenario can be as follows:

  • unprocessed (not processed yet)
  • partly processed (some steps are processed and some not)
  • fully processed (all the steps are processed)

Computation step states

States of a computation step are presented in the table below.

State Example Post-processing
unprocessed solving process uncompleted or completed with user's stop at the end of the step / adding a step to the scenario no
processed incorrectly solved

problem of convergence

user's stop at the end of an iteration


error in modeling

correctly solved   yes