HV-3000: Contour Results

Learn how to contour results.

This exercise uses the bullet_local.op2 model file located in the animation folder.
In this tutorial, you will:
  • Create a stress contour on all components using the Results Browser
  • Create a contour on specific elements using stress results
  • Create an averaged stress contour and generate iso surfaces
  • Create a Plot Style to be used in the Results Browser
  • Contour vector and tensor results resolved in different coordinate systems
  • Edit the legend
To access the Contour panel:
  • Click the Contour panel button on the Result toolbar.


  • Select Results > Plot > Contour from the menu bar.

Figure 1.

The Contour panel allows you to contour a model and graphically visualize the results. In the Contour panel you can view vector, tensor, or scalar type results.

To access the Results Browser:
  • Select View > Browsers > HyperView > Results from the menu bar.

Figure 2.

Create a Stress Contour on all Components using the Results Browser

  1. Load the bullet_local.op2 file, located in the animation folder.
  2. Open the Results Browser by selecting View > Browsers > HyperView > Results.
  3. Expand the Results, Tensor, and Stress folders.
    Figure 3.
    All available stress values are listed under the Stress folder.
  4. Click on the icon next to vonMises.
    Figure 4.
    The contour is applied to the model in the graphics area.

Alter the Contour Settings using the Contour Panel

The Contour panel allows you to contour a model and graphically visualize the results. In the Contour panel you can view vector, tensor, or scalar type results.

  1. Click the Contour panel button on the Result toolbar to enter the Contour panel.
    Figure 5.

    Using the Contour panel, additional options can be changed and applied to the contour.

  2. Set Entity with Layers to Z1.
    The options for Entity with Layers are:
    Displays the maximum values between layers Z1 and Z2.
    Displays the minimum values between layers Z1 and Z2.
    Displays the maximum absolute values among the layers for each entity.
    Displays the layers for thick shells. These will vary based on the solver type.
  3. Verify that Resolved in is set to Analysis System and that the Averaging method is set to None.
  4. Click Apply.
    By default, the results are applied to all the model components displayed on the screen.

    You can also select individual components from the model.

    Figure 6.

Create a Contour on Specific Elements using Stress Results

  1. Change the active input collector from Components to Elements.
  2. In the graphics area, pick a few elements on the model.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model.
    The contour is applied to the elements that were chosen using the quick window mode.

    This can also be done for other entity types.

    Figure 7.
  5. Under Selection, click on Elements and choose All from the pop up selection window.
    Note: If your solver supports corner data, activate the Use corner data option to view corner results.

Create an Averaged Stress Contour and Generate Iso Surfaces

  1. Change the Averaging Method to Simple.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Click Show Iso Value.
    Figure 8.
    The color bands reflect the band settings for the legend.
  4. Click in the graphics area and press T on the keyboard.
    This allows you to view the iso surface while seeing the model in transparent mode.
  5. Press T again to turn off transparency.
  6. Click Clear Iso Value.
  7. Click Create Plot Style.
    Creating a plot style allows you to save the current settings in the Contour panel so that they can be accessed later in the Results Browser.
  8. In the Create/Update Contour Plot Style dialog, New plot style text field, enter Simple vonMises and click OK.
    Figure 9.
  9. In the Results Browser, expand the Plot Styles folder.
    Note: Simple vonMises is now listed as a plot style.
    Figure 10.
  10. Click on Default Contour (under Plot Styles) to contour the model with displacement results using the default contour plot style.
    Observe the updates in the Contour panel.
    Figure 11.
  11. Click on Simple vonMises (under Plot Styles) to return to the previous contour settings.
  12. In the Results Browser, right click and select Clear Plot > Contour to remove the contour plot.

Contour Vector and Tensor Results Resolved in Different Coordinate Systems

For vector and tensor results, you can transform the results to a different coordinate system.

  1. Within the Contour panel select the following:
    1. Set the Result type to Displacement (v).
    2. Set the Data component to X.
  2. Select the Analysis coordinate system.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Set Resolved in to Global System (proj: none).
  5. Click Apply.
    Figure 12. Analysis System
    Figure 13. Global System
  6. Clear the contour.
  7. Change the following settings:
    1. Set result type to Stress (t).
    2. Set the data component to vonMises.
  8. Under Resolved in select User System (proj: none).
  9. Click Projection Rule, select Projection (use projected axis as Sxx), and click OK.
    The current system changes to User System (proj: x, y).
  10. Click on System and then click on By ID.
  11. Enter 2 to choose the second user defined system, and click OK.
    Figure 14.
  12. Click Apply.
  13. From the Results Browser, select Simple vonMises (located under the Plot Styles folder) and observe the changes.

Edit the Legend

  1. Click Edit Legend to open the Edit Legend dialog.
  2. Click on 4.514E+01 and change the value to 45.0.
    The numbers will automatically interpolate and change in the preview window.
  3. Click Apply.
    Observe the legend changes in the graphics screen.
  4. Click Default to return to the default settings.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog.