Organize Structural Elements

Besides the creation of structural elements, you can reorganize existing entities in new designpointsets, the aim being to collect structural elements on which the same set of methods will run (for a given set of loadcases).

Add or Remove Designpoints

While using the Structural Element tools, you can add or remove designpoints to/from a designpointset.

  1. On the ガイドバー, change the first entity selector type to DesignPoints.
  2. Select designpoints to manipulate.
  3. Click the DesignPointSet selector and choose a destination set.
  4. Select Add or Remove from the drop-down menu.
    • Add adds a reference to the selected designpoint entities in the destination designpointset while not creating any duplicates (reference by ID).
    • Remove removes references, if they exist, of selected designpoints from the selected set.

Organize From Certificationブラウザ

Similar types of organization actions are available from the Certificationブラウザ directly via context menus.

Duplicate DDP Set
This designpointset level menu results in another designpointset created with reference to the exact same designpoints as in the source designpointset (same designpoint IDs, no duplication).
Methods assigned to source designpointset are not copied.
Cut and Copy are available at the designpoint level while Paste is available at the designpointset level when preceded by a previous copy/cut. These actions paste designpoints that were previously cut or copied from another designpoinset. This does not result in new designpoints created but a new reference inside the target designpointset. The result is similar to the Add action within the Structural Element tools.
The result is similar to the Remove action within the Structural Element tools. If a designpoint is removed from its last reference count, it deletes the designpoint from the database.
Delete designpoints from the database. If performed from designpointset, it deletes all designpoints not referenced by other sets and always deletes method entities referenced by the set.