Using a Feko Model

Execute a multiport calculation from the command-line using a Feko model file as input.

  1. Open a Feko terminal.
  2. Change to the directory where Example 4 is located using the following command
    cd <insert path>/example4
  3. Use the following command to execute the multiport アプリケーションマクロ from the command-line.
    postfeko plate4prt.pfs --non-interactive --run-script="<insert path>/MultiportPostProcessing.lua" --configure-script="mppSettings=[[<insertpath>/example4/plate4prt_multiport_settings.lua]] fekoModel=[[<insert path>/example4/plate4prt.fek]] outputDirectory=[[<insert path>/example4]] prefix='cmd1_'"
    Note: To specify paths for the --configure-script variable it is recommended to use literal strings, for example, [[<insert path>]].
    The results is available in plate4prt.pfs. The following additional exported files cmd_plate4prt_scaling_coefficients.mat and cmd_plate4prt_scaling_coefficients.xml are available for further post-processing in the specified outputDirectory.