Design Space
A design space is the initial geometry that forms the boundary of the optimized shape.
It is typically a simplified representation of the existing part, with holes and pockets removed. Increasing the material available in the design space will yield a more optimized result.
You can create a design space by using the modeling tools in Inspire or by importing parts from other solid modelers, and then designating the relevant parts as a design space using the right-click context menu or the Property Editor.

The design space is displayed as reddish brown. Non-design spaces are shown as gray.
Design Spaces for Topology Optimization
In topology optimization, a design space is the initial part from which material is removed until a final shape is reached during optimization.

Design Spaces for Topography Optimization

Design and Non-Design Spaces
In general, it is best not to apply loads and supports directly to design spaces, as this often leads to incorrect results. Instead, you should split the part into design and non-design spaces and apply loads and supports to the non-design spaces.

Creating a Design Space
A design space can be defined by any solid or surface.
A part that is used as a design space should not be very detailed. To ensure the most freedom to generate a shape, you should use the simplest design space possible. The more fine details you have in the design space, the longer it will take to run the optimization.