Workflow Help
Most tools on the ribbon include text prompts beneath the tool or guide bar that explain what to do next. These prompts are a form of user assistance called workflow help.

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Create parametric sketches, geometry, and PolyNURBS with construction history and variables.
Set up your model and run a structural analysis or optimization.
Set up and run a motion analysis, plot the results, and export the results.
Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method.
Set up and run a basic porosity or thinning analysis.
Preapare and run an additive manufacturing simulation, and export a file for 3D printing.
Learn how to access the Inspire Python API including online help, quick start demos, and the Extension Manager.
View the glossary, frequently asked questions, and errors and alerts.
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Altair Inspire checks for potential problems with the model before running an analysis or optimization and will suggest solutions when problems are found.
View a list of glossary terms and definitions.
Alternatives are a convenient way to manage design variations within your model.
An assembly is a list of parts.
If you want to prevent parts or assemblies from overlapping when you move them, turn on collision detection in the Property Editor.
You can use the Configure toolbar on the Model Browser to activate and deactivate parts. This is called configuring your model.
Connection Stiffness allows for better approximation of axial and shear stiffness in grounded fasteners, grounded joints, and cylindrical supports.
A controller is provided as a way to try and reach a desired (target) value by means of a feedback control loop.
Context menus contain commands that allow you to edit a selected item, and are available for parts, entities, and tools on the ribbon.
The Demo Browser (F7) displays a list of demo models packaged with the software.
A design space is the initial geometry that forms the boundary of the optimized shape.
The installation directory is the location where the application was installed.
An instance is a copy of a part that is linked to the original part.
A load case is a set of loads and supports, displacements, accelerations, and temperatures that act on a model at one time.
The mass moment of inertia is calculated at the part's center of mass with respect to the global axis orientation.
The Model Browser shows all of the objects in your model in a tree structure.
The modeling window, sometimes referred to as the graphics area or window, is where you interact with your model.
Mouse controls are used to pan, zoom, and rotate the model.
In Inspire, there are two basic methods of displaying 3D objects on a 2D plane: perspective projection, which takes perspective effects into account; and orthographic projection, which does not.
All of the properties of a part can be directly accessed through the Property Editor.
A part is a geometric object made up of any combination of solids, surfaces, and curves. It can also be a mesh.
In Inspire, there are two basic methods of displaying 3D objects on a 2D plane: perspective projection, which takes perspective effects into account; and orthographic projection, which does not.
Applying pretension to bolted and screwed connections allows a more complete understanding of the behavior of a structure.
The principal axes or global axes are the x, y, and z axes in the View Rotator.
Motors and actuators have a profile option on the microdialog that allows you to change how the shaft moves as time elapses (or another independent variable changes).
The Property Editor shows all the properties of a selected object and allows you to edit them.
The ribbon allows you to quickly access tools and standard functions, and is located at the top of the Inspire workspace.
The Screen Capture tool saves an image of your model with a white background.
The Snaps Filter icon is located in the lower right corner of the application window. It opens the snaps menu.
The status bar displays model status information and includes the snaps filter and unit system selector.
Suppress and Unsuppress joints, fasteners, and motion entities in a model.
Use the Unit System Selector to change the display units used in the user interface. (These can be the same or different as the modeling units, which are set in the Preferences.)
The view controls are located in the lower left corner of the modeling window.
When in sketch mode, the Rotate to Closest Principal Axes icon is replaced with the View Normal to Grid
icon in the view controls.
Use the View Rotator to achieve finer control of rotation than is possible by using the mouse.
Most tools on the ribbon include text prompts beneath the tool or guide bar that explain what to do next. These prompts are a form of user assistance called workflow help.
Learn keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls for common operations.
Most tools on the ribbon include text prompts beneath the tool or guide bar that explain what to do next. These prompts are a form of user assistance called workflow help.
Most tools on the ribbon include text prompts beneath the tool or guide bar that explain what to do next. These prompts are a form of user assistance called workflow help.
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