Modify the Global Environment
Customize the illumination, background, reflection, and refraction.
The Global Environment places your model in a 3D context for rendering; it controls all aspects of the rendering environment: illumination, the background, reflection, and refraction. By default, the global environment is the HDR image evoRender.hdr. You can choose from a number of HDRs, IBLs, and JPGs to use as environment maps.
What is HDR?
High Dynamic Range images provide highly realistic lighting, especially when it comes to reflection and refraction. If you select a HDR image as your global environment, the exact same image is used for illumination, the background, reflection, and refraction.
What is IBL?
- Illumination: A slightly blurred HDR
- Reflection and Refraction: A wide JPG
- Background: A high-resolution square JPG
If you don't like everything that comes in a particular IBL folder, you can set distinct Illumination, Background, Reflection, and Refraction maps.