Add and Delete Tokens

Add and remove tokens. Tokens are used by the cloud bursting hook to identify a bursting scenario.

Add a Token

Create a token and associated API key for a bursting scenario. The API key is used in the PBS cloud bursting hook.

You can create a token right after creating a bursting scenario or you can create a token at a later date.
  1. Login to Control.
  2. Click the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Bursting from the Infrastructure menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
  4. Select a bursting scenario by clicking its name.
  5. Click Cloud.
  6. Scroll to the Tokens section.
  7. Click Add token.
  8. For Name, enter a name for the token.
  9. For Expiration date, use the calendar widget to specify the expiration date.
  10. Click Add Token.
    An API key is generated and displayed.
  11. Copy and save this API key.
    The API key is only displayed once. It is pasted in the configuration file used to configure the cloud bursting hook.
  12. Click Close.

Delete a Token

Delete a token that is no longer needed.

You can create a token right after creating a bursting scenario or you can create a token at a later date.
  1. Login to Control.
  2. Click the Cloud tab.
  3. Click Bursting from the Infrastructure menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
  4. Select a bursting scenario by clicking its name.
  5. Click Cloud.
  6. Scroll to the Tokens section.
  7. Click Delete located to the right of the token name.
    The token is deleted.