Custom statements allow advanced users to expand the set of MotionSolve model elements by adding new standard model element vocabulary. Custom statements can be mapped to one or more model
The ADAMS files (ADM and ACF) are interpreted by the ADAMS Dataset Reader (ADR), which is responsible for identifying and translating this file's information into XML. The
generated XML is the input for MotionSolve.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and
the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Custom results output allows you to pass MotionSolve
results directly to a user-written subroutine denoted by POST_SUB.
MotionSolve calls POST_SUB at every successful integration time step
which uses the MotionSolve Result API for generating the
results in a customized format. You have access to the same data as passed to the
MotionSolve MRF file (shown here in HyperGraph) via POST_SUB, as shown in the image below. Figure 1. HyperGraph Panel for POST_SUB Access
Add the <Post_UserAPI/> element to the MotionSolve XML input file.
Figure 2. <Post_UserAPI/> Element
Write a POST_SUB:
Figure 3. Code in POST_SUB
From within POST_SUB, call access functions to get the states of selected entity types.
These access functions are:
as shown in the image below. Valid entity types are
Figure 4. POST_SUB's Three Access Functions
The image below shows an example of the results accessed in POST_SUB in XML
format: Figure 5. Results written out in XML Format