A block sliding in a translational joint is used to illustrate how
classes you created can be used in simplifying modeling. Notice that
the syntax for built-in classes is identical to the syntax for
# Model definition #
def sliding_block ():
"""Test case for the LuGre friction model
Slide a block across a surface.
The block is attached to ground with a translational joint that has LuGre friction
model = Model ()
Units (mass="KILOGRAM", length="METER", time="SECOND", force="NEWTON")
Accgrav (jgrav=-9.800)
Integrator (error=1e-5)
Output (reqsave=True)
# Location for Part cm and markers used for the joint markers
qp = Point (10,0,0)
xp = Point (10,1,0)
zp = Point (11,0,0)
ground = Part (ground=True)
ground.jm = Marker (part=ground, qp=qp, zp=zp, xp=xp, label="Joint Marker")
block = Part (mass=1, ip=[1e3,1e3,1e3], label="Block")
block.cm = Marker (part=block, qp=qp, zp=zp, xp=xp, label="Block CM")
# Attach the block to ground
joint = Joint (type="TRANSLATIONAL", i=block.cm, j=ground.jm)
# Apply the LuGre friction to the joint
model.lugre = LuGre (joint=joint)
# Push the block
Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True, i=block.cm, j=ground.jm,
function="3*sin(2*pi*time)", label="Actuation Force")
# Request the DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY and FORCE of the Joint
model.r1 = Request (type="DISPLACEMENT", i=block.cm, j=ground.jm, rm=ground.jm,
comment="Joint displacement")
model.r2 = Request (type="VELOCITY", i=block.cm, j=ground.jm, rm=ground.jm,
comment="Joint velocity")
model.r3 = Request (type="FORCE", i=block.cm, j=ground.jm, rm= ground.jm,
comment ="Joint force")
return model
## Entry Point ################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = sliding_block()
model.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=4, dtout=.01)
# Change the static friction coefficient and continue simulation
model.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=8, dtout=.01)