LS-DYNA Interface 2022.3 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New LS-DYNA Solver Profile R13.1


Keyword Migration to New Entity
*CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_(OPTIONS) keywords are migrated from the Property entity to the Constraint entity.
New Supported Keywords
Keywords Updates Till R13.1 Version
Airbags: New attributes added in *DEFINE_CPM_VENT.
Constrained: New attributes and optional card added in *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_SPOTWELD.
Contacts: Optional Card added in *CONTACT. Multiple updates and corrections in *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE, *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_TIED.
Elements: New attribute NEND added in *ELEMENT_SPH.
Sensors: New attribute TDELAY in *SENSOR_SWITCH. Number of switch sensors increased to 14 in *SENSOR_SWITCH_CALC-LOGIC.
LS-DYNA I10 Format
Support of long=s in *KEYWORD along with i10=y. Long=s can be added via the solver deck export options when i10 format is activated.
Relevant performance improvements made in the Model Checker.

Resolved Issues

  • A correction has been made in the Position/Transformation tool when Positions are applied or un-applied. Only selected Position is now affected and performances are improved.
  • Card4 in *MAT_SEATBELT_2D is now treated as optional.
  • Export issue of *CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_TRANSFORMATION has been fixed.
  • Multiple corrections have been made in reading and editing *MAT_3-PARAMETER_BARLAT_(OPTIONS). Anisotropy axis definition attributes are read and maintained on export independently from the AOPT value.
  • A correction in reading *MAT_ORTHOTROPIC_ELASTIC has been made. Anisotropy axis definition attributes are read and maintained on export independently from the AOPT value.
  • A correction in reading *MAT_LAMINATED_COMPOSITE_FABRIC has been made. AOPT value wasn't read properly.
  • A correction in reading *SENSOR_SWITCH_CALC-LOGIC has been made.
  • *ELEMENT_SPH attributes are now fully exposed in the Entity Editor.
  • Show/Hide/Isolate/Review operations are now working on Position entity when defined on *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.

Altair HyperView

New Features

  • Support of “% thickness” results from d3plot femzip file.
  • Support of Heat Flux results from d3plot file.
  • Support of temperature results from d3plot file depending on the MSSCL attribute value defined in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY.
  • Material history variables are now shown as “Var1”, Var2, Var3,…" since those variables are dependent from the material models.
  • Support of history variables from d3plot file for *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_SPOTWELD.

Altair HyperGraph

Resolved Issues

  • Displaying data from LS-DYNA time history files.
  • Crash due to an indexing issue with LS-DYNA time history files in report templates.