Altair nanoFluidX 2022.3 Release Notes


  • Performance enhancements - The 2022.3 release comes with significant changes to the code’s infrastructure that benefit multiple use cases.
  • Pre and post-processing in SimLab - Further enhancements have been made to both the solver and SimLab packages to improve the user experience. This includes easier setup of extractor tools as well as their post-processing, text data reading, and scalar-dependent transparency.

New Features

Tandem Interpolation on Windows
It is now possible to run nanoFluidX and nanoFluidX[c] in tandem mode on Windows as well. If using SimLab to launch nanoFluidX, this is done automatically (as a default option).
NVIDIA Kepler architecture
As of the 2022.3 release, nanoFluidX is no longer supporting the NVIDIA Kepler architecture, therefore the CUDA Compute Capabilities 3.5 and 3.7 become obsolete in context of running nanoFluidX.


Performance Enhancements
The 2022.3 release comes with significant changes to the code’s infrastructure. These changes benefit use cases where the total domain size is significantly larger than the total fluid domain. For example, water management cases. In these cases, 20x performance improvements have been observed. In use cases where the fluid domain is fairly consistent and largely occupied by particles, such as drive train oiling, the performance benefits are also obvious, but are likely to remain within 1.1 to 1.2x.
Added start and end time for the extractor tools
If you want to observe/measure only a fraction of the total physical time simulated using extractors – nanoFluidX now allows for that control.
Added synchronized extractor output to the .vtkp output for direct reading in SimLab
This enhancement allows for easier and direct reading of the extractor data in SimLab for post-processing purposes.
Compressed binary output
The solver is now capable of providing compressed output data upon request.
Time-velocity Series (TVS) file support for double roller motion for water wading
This feature allows you to change the speed of the vehicle during water wading as a function of time. In reality, it is unlikely that the vehicle will maintain perfect steady speed and therefore this feature was developed to help better capture the real physical behavior.
Cylindrical Volume Probe
In addition to the spherical volumetric probe, it is now possible to define a cylindrical volume probe.

Known Issues

The following issues will be addressed in a future release, as the software performance is continuously improved.
  • When using the adhesion coefficient for the SINGLE_PHASE surface tension model, the surface tension coefficient must be calibrated against experimental results or visually estimated. If you use the Tartakovsky model, the physical surface tension value is sufficient.

Resolved Issues

  • nanoFluidX[c] now avoids reading motion when motion .cfg is commented out.