
Use the Resultsブラウザ to review and manage results and plots.

The Resultsブラウザ contains a detailed view of result resources and existing plot definitions, and conveniently provides access to a number of actions. It can be accessed several ways:

  • Automatically after a result file is imported
  • By double-clicking Results or Plots in the Modelブラウザ.
  • From the Post ribbon, by clicking the Results tool.

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Each imported file is shown under the main result root as a resource.

Each load case (and simulation step) is listed under the pertinent resource it belongs to.

Use the Resultsブラウザ to:

  • Update the current load case and step by double-clicking a new load case.
  • Create a derived load case by right-clicking on any result or load case.
  • Display or clear a plot by clicking on its icon.
  • Modify plot definitions using the エンティティエディター.