Undefined Entities

Undefined entities are entities that will not be written to the solver deck.

The import and export of undefined entities is fully supported for:
  • Components
  • Properties
  • Materials
  • Curves
  • Sets
  • Rigid Walls
  • Cross Sections
  • Accelerometers
  • Boxes

Undefined entities imported from new include files will be organized in the master model.

If an entity is referenced in a solver deck, but is not defined, an undefined entity will be created and assigned the ID of the referenced entity on import. A default カードイメージ and a default name will also be assigned to the newly created undefined entity.

Referenced components are created as an undefined entity.

The defined state of an entity is indicated in the Modelブラウザ, Defined column (Property and Material entity views), or in the エンティティエディター, Defined Entity field. An active checkbox indicates an entity is defined, whereas an inactive checkbox indicates an entity is undefined.

図 1.
Undefined entities exhibit the same behaviors as defined entities; they are visible in all relevant ブラウザs and in the エンティティエディター. The defined state simply controls the export of the entity.
  • If Defined is inactive, the entity not will be written to the solver deck.
  • If Defined is active, the entity will be written to the solver deck.

The export status of undefined entities cannot be changed. If Defined is inactive, the export status will also be inactive in the エンティティ状態ブラウザ.

Resolve Undefined Entities

Undefined entities can be defined interactively in the session or via the import of a model that contains the referenced entities. This ensures the entity will be written to the solver deck.

  • Define an entity interactively in the session by activating the Defined checkbox in the ブラウザ or エンティティエディター.

    図 2.
  • Define an entity via the import of a model containing the referenced entities.
    If additional entities residing in the solver deck do not exist, they will be imported as is.
    1. From the メニューバー, click File > Import > HyperMesh Model.
    2. In the Import File dialog, open the model containing the referenced entities.
    3. In the File Options dialog, set the relevant option(s) to Keep Incoming Attributes and click OK.

      図 3.

Renumber Undefined Entities

The renumbering of undefined entities is restricted to ensure references to entities that reside in external Include files will not be invalidated.

  1. In the エンティティエディター, ID field, enter a new number for the undefined entity.
  2. In the dialog that appears, click Yes to execute the renumbering operation.

    図 4.