Block Format Keyword Defines the coordinate of common node, which could be merged to the nearest selected NODE or CNODE.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
cnode_ID Xc Yc Zc      


Field Contents SI Unit Example
search_value Distance around each CNODE in order to find the nearest NODE or CNODE.


unit_ID Unit Identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

cnode_ID Common node identifier.


Xc X coordinate.


Yc Y coordinate.


Zc Z coordinate.




  1. Node identifier is arbitrary; but can not be the same as an existing NODE identifier.
  2. Common nodes may be defined with more than one block.
  3. Common node identifiers are arbitrary and can not be the same as a NODE.
  4. The CNODE will be merged to the nearest selected NODE or CNODE.
  5. The CNODE merging will be done after each model transformation (Transforms).
  6. In case a CNODE cannot be merged to any NODE or CNODE, it will be replaced by NODE.